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Karl Dunkle Werner's jumble of unimportant, nonspecific knowledge (KDW JUNK)


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Miscellaneous R functions Karl wanted to reuse. Inspired by kimisc.

For a similar grab-bag of Python and Stata scripts, see


remotes ::install_github("karldw/kdw.junk")


Where is my Dropbox / Box folder?

  • box_home – Find Box
  • dropbox_home – Find Dropbox

Are my data uniquely identified?

  • is_id – Do variables uniquely ID rows? (Works with dplyr::select syntax for local and remote tables. For local tables, faster when data.table is installed.).
  • ensure_id_vars – Ensure variables uniquely ID rows (works with dplyr::select syntax; useful in pipelines).


  • binscatter – Provide a command like binscatter in Stata, based on binsreg, but with a formula interface and plotting support for fixed effects.
  • capture_plot_output – Like utils::capture.output(), when the expression would open a graphics device.
  • configure_tikzDevice – Prepare to use tikzDevice
  • save_plot – Save ggplot graphic with aspect ratio more appropriate for slides or letter paper (uses cairo_pdf for better graphics).
    • Offers a reproducible option to reset file timestamps.

Minor convenience functions

  • auto_render – Render and automatically re-render rmd, md, or tex files.
  • cite_attached_packages – Generate biblatex citations for the attached packages.
  • clear_all – Delete everything in session.
  • get_cores – Get number of cores available, with a reasonable max.
  • get_os – Get current OS.
  • install_lazy – Install packages if necessary.
  • is.connection – Test if object is a connection.
  • make_better_names – Improve a character vector of names.
  • memory_limit – Set a memory limit (Linux and Windows only).
  • month_to_quarter – Convert months to quarters.
  • make_monthly – Convert date to monthly (day of month set to 1).
  • rename_cols – Rename columns with a dict-like approach.
  • st_union_intersection – Union intersecting sf geometries.
  • stopif – Inverse of stopifnot.
  • truncate_bytes – Truncate a string to a particular length in bytes (not very efficiently).
  • winsorizewinsorize in a way that handles point masses.

Smooth out tidyverse bumps

  • read_dta – Wrapper around haven::read_dta to fix hassles with attributes and factors.

US Holidays

Does what is says on the box.

  • hol_christmas_day
  • hol_columbus_day
  • hol_daylight_saving
  • hol_easter
  • hol_george_washington_birthday
  • hol_good_friday
  • hol_inauguration_day
  • hol_independence_day
  • hol_labor_day
  • hol_martin_luther_king_day
  • hol_memorial_day
  • hol_new_years_day
  • hol_presidents_day
  • hol_thanksgiving_day
  • hol_us_federal_holidays
  • hol_veterans_day

Postgres management conveniences

  • explain_analyze
  • pg_add_foreign_key
  • pg_add_index
  • pg_add_primary_key
  • pg_vacuum

Old functions

Removed functions

  • read_data – use rio::import() instead.
  • lapply_parallel – use furrr::future_map() instead.
  • lapply_bind_rows – use furrr::future_dfr() instead.

Hard-deprecated functions

  • vec2string – you're better off using glue::glue() most of the time.
  • make_join_safer – use safejoin instead.
    • Takes a dplyr::*_join function and return a new function that performs additional checks to avoid many-to-many merges
  • merge_stata – use safejoin instead.
    • Defined a merge function that mirrored Stata's merge
  • narrate – use rlang::inform() instead.
  • update_packages – update packages and reinstall everything that depends on Rcpp when Rcpp is updated. Deprecated because that doesn't seem to be an issue anymore.

Soft-deprecated functions

  • felm_strict – Run lfe::felm() strictly.
    • Use fixest::feols() instead


Karl Dunkle Werner's jumble of unimportant, nonspecific knowledge (KDW JUNK)





