My name is Geoffrey, a GIS nerd who is also trying to learn how to code. Right now I am going through github basics. Trying to undersand commits, and branches.
So the original file is called Master.
Then another person can make a copy of the master file, this is called a branch. A good a example is when make changes to a file called book-keeping, the three versions may be. book-keeping, book-keeping-edited and book-keeping-edited-reviewed.
So the other two are the branches.
Now when someone saves changes made to a file, its called a commit, and usually its made with a comment to allow other people to understand the changes you tried to make.
So when it comes to adding changes to the master file, you have to make a pull request.
When the owner of the Master sees the pull request, they can compare the different versions and then Merge the request, and after that Delete the branch.
Lets try it out now.