Releases: kaz-yos/tableone
Releases · kaz-yos/tableone
Bug fix for handling of ordered factor and testing of 1xM tables
tableone 0.6.2 (2014-06-01)
- The testing of 1 x m table was problematic when a categorical
variable only have one level. chisq.test() returns Chi-squared
test for given probabilities (test for strata imbalance) in such
cases. In this version, testing a 1 x m table always return NA,
as test for a cross table is not defined in this context. - Special thanks to Atsushi Shiraishi for reporting this issues.
- Unit testing with the testthat package was added for some
functions. Thus, the testthat package was added as a suggested
package. - The algorithm CreateCatTable used to detect variables to convert
to factos had a bug. CreateCatTable was effectively (re-)converting
all variables to factors, which deleted empty levels from factors
and ordered factors. - Special thanks to Atsushi Shiraishi for reporting this issues.
printToggle for ShowRegTable and vars omission for CreateTableOne added
tableone 0.6.0 (2014-05-31)
- The CreateTableOne function automatically use all variables in the data frame given to the data argument, if the vars argument is empty.
- The printToggle argument added to ShowRegTable().
noSpaces option added.
tableone 0.5.0 (2014-04-14)
- The noSpaces argument was added to print.* functions. This allows
removal of spaces added for alignment using fixed-width fonts.
Use this option if you prefer to align your table in other software.
showAllLevels argument added to print.TableOne()
tableone 0.4.0 (2014-03-30)
- The showAllLevels argument to show all levels of categorical variables regardless of numbers of levels was added to print.TableOne. Previously, it was only available in print.CatTable. To accommodate this feature, insertLevel argument to insert an empty level column was added to print.ContTable.
bug fix release that can handle ordered factors as categorical variables.
tableone 0.3.5 (2014-03-07)
- Added more robust class assessment in CreateTableOne and CreateCatTable, which now handles ordered factors correctly. CreateTableOne also drops Surv object for safety.
- "Dropped due to unsupported class" message has been fixed to show variable names with spaces in between.
- This version will be pushed to CRAN in a week. For the time being please install from the github as follows.
## Install devtools (if you do not have it already)
> install.packages("devtools")
## Load devtools
> library(devtools)
## Install directly from github (develop branch)
> install_github(repo = "kaz-yos/tableone", ref = "develop")
Bug fix release that can handle ordered factors as categorical variables.
tableone 0.3.5 (2014-03-07)
- Added more robust class assessment in CreateTableOne and CreateCatTable, which now handles ordered factors correctly. CreateTableOne also drops Surv object for safety.
- This version will be pushed to CRAN in a week. For the time being please install from the github as follows.
## Install devtools (if you do not have it already)
> install.packages("devtools")
## Load devtools
> library(devtools)
## Install directly from github (develop branch)
> install_github(repo = "kaz-yos/tableone", ref = "develop")
Bug fix release with better handling of all NA/NaN vectors
tableone 0.3.4 (2014-03-04)
- Added the Create* functions handling of all NA/NaN variables. These invalid variables are examined at the beginning and dropped with warning for safety.
- For the strata argument, variables with only one level is dropped with warning because these are meaningless, and caused data handling problems.
Bug fix release with better handling of characters and logicals
tableone 0.3.3 (2014-02-22)
CreateTableOne now handles logical and chracter vectors correctly. They are handled as categorical variables, and passed to the CreateCatTable function. Variables that are none of numeric, integer, factor, logical, or character are dropped for safety.
Package description fixed for clarity
tableone 0.3.2 (2014-02-18)
- DESCRIPTION changed for clarity. No functional changes.
Bug fix release to be consistent recent NAMESPACE conventions. Resubmitted to CRAN.
tableone 0.3.1 (2014-02-18)
- NAMESPACE now includes import(e1071) and import(gmodels).
- DESCRIPTION now includes Imports e1071, gmodels and Suggests survival, instead of Depends...