Releases: kaz-yos/tableone
Releases · kaz-yos/tableone
v0.3.0 First production release. Submitted to CRAN
tableone 0.3.0 (2014-02-17)
- CreateTableOne has a new factorVars argument, a character vector specifying numerically coded variables that should be treated as factors.
- The print method for the TableOne/CatTable class object has a new minMax argument, a logical value specifying whether to show median [min, max] instead of median [IQR] for nonnormal variables
- The print method for the TableOne/CatTable class object has a new cramVars argument, a character vector to specify which 2-level factors to should have both levels presented in one row.
- Documentations were fixed to represent the current version.
Documentation fix developmental version
- Documentations were fixed to represent the current functions.
0.2.0-beta developmental version released
What's new
- CreateTableOne() function which can handle both categorical variables (need to be factors) and continuous variables has been implemented along with the summary and print methods.
- Documentation has been revised.
S3 method correct support
- Fixed incorrect specification of S3 method export.
- To make an object an S3 method and export it both at_S3method and at_export tags are needed in the Roxygen part of the code.
- Passed all the default tests by R CMD check file.tar.gz
First version consistent with CRAN guidelines
- This version uses Roxygen for documentation. Documents are now included in the source .R files, and .Rd man files are generated by devtools::document("package_path").
- S3 methods now have arguments consistent with the respective generics (print(x,...) and summary(object, ...)
- The survival package was added to the dependency, as its pbc data is used in the example as "medically relevant" example.
tableone first alpha release
tableone R package (alpha release)
This is the first alpha release of the tableone package. tableone creates Table 1, i.e., the baseline characteristics table often used in medical research papers.
Creating a continuous variable table with the CreateContTable() function
Creating a categorical variable table with the CreateCatTable() function