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Can apply .NET format-string use named key-value arguments.

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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

Build NuGet
master NamingFormatter CI build (master) NuGet NamingFormatter (master)
devel NamingFormatter CI build (master) MyGet NamingFormatter (devel)

What is this?

  • NamingFormatter is extended System.String.Format method on .NET.
  • Standard Format method required numbering indexed place-holder.
    • You probably understand this:
// C# String interporation style:
// (These argument variables fixedup at compile time)
var formatted =
    $"Index0:{arg0}, Index1:{arg1}";

// Old school style:
var formatted = string.Format(
    "Index0:{0}, Index1:{1}",
  • NamingFormatter can use named key-value arguments, and will fixup at runtime. For example:
var keyValues = new Dictionary<string, object>
    { "lastName", "Matsui" },
    { "firstName", "Kouji" },
    { "foo", "bar" },
var formatted = Named.Format(
    "FirstName:{firstName}, LastName:{lastName}",
  • Of course, we can use the format options.
var keyValues = new Dictionary<string, object>
    { "date", DateTime.Now },
    { "value", 123.456 },
    { "foo", "bar" },
var formatted = Named.Format(
    "Date:{date:R}, Value:{value:E}",
  • We can use easier with tuple expression:
var formatted = Named.Format(
    "Date:{date:R}, Value:{value:E}",
    ( "date", DateTime.Now ),
    ( "value", 123.456 ),
    ( "foo", "bar" ));


  • Easy standard replacement from System.String.Format method.
  • TextWriter version included (WriteFormat extension method). And has asynchronous method overloads (Task).
  • Many variation overloads (Dictionary, IReadOnlyDictionary, Predicate delegate, Selector delegate, IFormatProvider, KeyValuePair and ValueTuple with variable length parameters).
  • Can use structual-key, traverse both public properties and fields.
  • Applied C# nullable-reference type attribtues.


  • Flexible argument matching. Useful dynamic interpretation.
  • Format string human-readable/customizable improvement.


  • .NET 8 to 5
  • .NET Standard 1.0, 2.0, 2.1 (Will effect .NET Core 1.0-3.1)
  • .NET Framework 3.5, 4.0 with client profile, 4.5 to 4.8.1

How to use

using NamingFormatter;

// Mostly standard key-value combination in manually.
// We can use with tuples (excepts net35-client and net40-client).
var formatted = Named.Format(
    "Date:{date:R}, Value:{value:E}, Name:{name}",
    ("value", 123.456),
    ("name", "Kouji"),
    ("date", DateTime.Now));
using NamingFormatter;

// All overloads have an optional fallback delegate.
// You can handle unknown key identity when the format string contains it.
// (Default behavior will throw exception)
var formatted = Named.Format(
    "Date:{date}, Value:{VALUE}, Name:{name}",
    key => "***",      // fallback delegate makes safer from exceptions.
    ("value", 123.456),
    ("name", "Kouji"),
    ("date", DateTime.Now));
using NamingFormatter;

// Structual-key (Traverse properties and fields by dot-notation)
var formatted = Named.Format(
    ("date", DateTime.Now));
using NamingFormatter;

// Produce Key-value combination in the Dictionary class.
var kvs = new Dictionary<string, object?>()
    {"value", 123.456},
    {"name", "Kouji"},
    {"date", DateTime.Now},
var formatted = Named.Format(
    "Date:{date:R}, Value:{value:E}, Name:{name}",
using NamingFormatter;

// Format to TextWriter.
var sw = new StreamWriter(stream);
    "Date:{date:R}, Value:{value:E}, Name:{name}",
    ("value", 123.456),
    ("name", "Kouji"),
    ("date", DateTime.Now));

// Format to TextWriter with async-await
var sw = new StreamWriter(stream);
await sw.WriteFormatAsync(
    "Date:{date:R}, Value:{value:E}, Name:{name}",
    ("value", 123.456),
    ("name", "Kouji"),
    ("date", DateTime.Now));
await sw.FlushAsync();
using NamingFormatter;

// Full-interactive (callback) format.
var formatted = Named.Format(
    "Date:{date:R}, Value:{value:E}, Name:{name}",
    key => key switch
        "name" => "Kouji";
        "date" => DateTime.Now;
        "value" => 123.456;
        _ => throw new FormatException();
using NamingFormatter;

// IFormatProvider supported.
var formatted = Named.Format(
    new CultureInfo("fr-FR"),
    "Date:{date:R}, Value:{value:E}, Name:{name}",
    ("value", 123.456),
    ("name", "Kouji"),
    ("date", DateTime.Now));
using NamingFormatter;

// Easy parametric helper
// (Named.Pair() method will generate KeyValuePair<string, object?>)
var formatted = Named.Format(
    "Date:{date:R}, Value:{value:E}, Name:{name}",
    Named.Pair("value", 123.456),
    Named.Pair("name", "Kouji"),
    Named.Pair("date", DateTime.Now));
using NamingFormatter;

// You can use custom bracket definition,
// when requires changing both your start and end bracket character instead of '{ ... }':
var kvs = new Dictionary<string, object?>()
    {"value", 123.456},
    {"name", "Kouji"},
    {"date", DateTime.Now},
var formatted = Named.Format(
    "Date:{date:R}, Value:{value:E}, Name:{name}",
    // Bracket pair: '@[ ... ]@'
    new FormatOptions("@[", "]@"));


  • F# friendly version.


  • Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Kouji Matsui
  • Under Apache v2


  • 2.4.0:
    • Added custom bracket feature (Rebuild required).
  • 2.3.0:
    • Added .NET 8.0 RC2 assembly.
  • 2.2.0:
    • Added field lookup ability.
    • Reduced package dependency.
  • 2.1.0:
    • Added .NET 6.0 assembly.
    • Added source link attributes.
  • 2.0.22:
    • Added fallback delegate features.
    • Included xml documents.
  • 2.0.18:
    • Added net461 and net47 assemblies because reduce conflict between netstandard2.0.
  • 2.0.17:
    • Added ValueTuple overloads.
    • Added asynchronous overloads.
  • 2.0.16:
    • Fixed not including net35 assembly.
  • 2.0.15:
    • Breaking change: Changed the NuGet package name from "NamingFormatter" to "NamingFormatter".
    • Breaking change: Changed namespace name from "CenterCLR" to "NamingFormatter".
    • Added some target frameworks.
    • Omitted strong-key signing.
    • Switched and aggregated CI to GitHub Actions.
  • 2.0.0:
    • Upgraded new MSBuild format and omit PCL versions.
  • 1.1.1:
    • Fixed via CI (AppVeyor, Fixed RelaxVersioner)
  • 1.1.0:
    • Add support platform .NET Core (formally "dnxcore").
  • 1.0.0:
    • Omit IFormatProvider method extension attribute.
  • 0.9.6:
    • Versioning fixed.
  • 0.9.5:
    • Add nuget package, Support structual-key, Support .NET 2/.NET 3.5.
  • 0.0.0:
    • Initial commit.