the # Blue-Beetles_project is a project whose primary aim is building a dashboard that displays the Rwandan Labor Force survey 2022. This dashboard consists of two versions. The first version is a streamlit application built using python and it fetches data from the excel files that contains the statistics of the survey. The streamlit application also uses other python modules like numpy, openpyxl and the future versions will include random and more. The streamlit application is web based which means it can be accessed by a browser. The streamlit app is deployed using streamlit cloud and it can be found at
The second version is an alternate version of the streamlit application but it is a command line application. The reason why we developed a commandline application is to ensure that in case a computer application or mobile application is needed, we'll have a prototype ready for further decelopment.
streamlit app runs at streamlit file /
commandline application runs by running the file located at /pages/CMA/ in a python environment.
Notes and disclaimer: The applications are prototypes. If further permissions are granted like editing the excel data, the applications' reliability will be enhanced.
* all the data used is a product of hard work and investment by the government of Rwanda through the National Institute of Statistics Rwanda
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