This is React Native Boilerplate Project that made by Wix/react-native-navigation@^7.32.1 and React [email protected]:
- Implemented with @reduxjs/toolkit, redux-saga, redux-persist, async-storage, redux-logger
- Custom Loading with native side example: Loading Progress
- Multiple language with react-i18next and i18next
- Api request with axios
- Vector Icons lib
- ReAnimated 2.14.4
- CodePush: you have you creat your own codepush key follow this command "appcenter apps create -d - -o -p React-Native", also have to change 2 scrips inside package.json: push:ios, push:android
- If you're using Macbook with Apple Sillicon Chip make sure follow this command to install without any issues with cocapods: "sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi" and "arch -x86_64 pod install --project-directory=ios"