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Utility Functions

ketexon edited this page Dec 30, 2023 · 1 revision

See Assets/Objects/Util for utility function definitions.


You can derive SingletonBehaviour<MyClass> instead of MonoBehaviour if you want a singleton, accessible statically through SingleTonBehaviour<T>.Instance


C# extensions allow you to write "custom member functions" (Visual Studio has a slightly different icon for them, but they are used all the time in Unity APIs). These are useful for general-purpose extensions to existing classes and is better than using static functions (syntactically, Util.ProjectXZ(vector) is uglier than vector.ProjectXZ()).

Right now, we have extensions for checking whether a LayerMask contains a layer (LayerMask.Contains(int layer)), and an extension for projecting a vector to the XZ plane (Vector3.ProjectXZ()). Please add any general-purpose extensions to this file.


This is a really cool set of functions that lets you find Objects in the Editor. The main reason you want to find Objects in the editor is so that when you add a component/create a ScriptableObject, its values default to something custom using the void Reset() function. Basically, any time you have a serialized field for a component and you know (or could guess) where that component is, use Reset to try to find it automatically. For example, if you have a custom text box with a TMP_Text tmp component that is in one of the children, you can do

void Reset() {
    tmp = GetComponentInChildren<TMP_Text>();

to automatically try to find that tmp so you don't have to assign it manually in the editor. This gets very useful when you have a lot of serialized fields (see FishingRod).

However, for more complex things like if there are two TMP_Text components in the children and you want to select the one whose GameObject includes the word "label" (case-insensitive), this gets a bit trickier.

FindUtil.Query<Component>(MonoBehaviour thisComponent) makes this easier, which is mainly a simple API to GetComponent* functions. (Note, I think you can also use the search API to do this but whatever). So, to do what I said above, it would be:

void Reset(){
   tmp = FindUtil.Query<TMP_Text>(this)
      .NameContains("label", insensitive: true)

However, it also has other utilities. To find a singleton asset (like GlobalParametersSO), you can do:

void Reset(){
    parameters = FindUtil.Asset<GlobalParametersSO>();

And to do a more complex search for an asset (eg. FishSO finding Prefabs in the same directory with a specific name):

void Reset()
    InHandPrefab = FindUtil.QueryAsset<GameObject>()
        .NameContains("hand", insensitive: true)
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