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Releases: khanlab/neuroglia-helpers

Bugfix in app-name matching

07 Feb 16:38
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bugfix in finding matching app name

url integration, shub caching

07 Feb 15:05
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  • Non-backwards compatible change to bidsBatch, uses the defined tag name in 1st column of bids-app.tsv,
    e.g. fmriprep_1.0.6, to specify the app instead of two arguments (app_name, version)
  • bids-apps.tsv now uses URLs for docker://, shub://, and file:// (local file). Note, docker:// still requires deploy_bids_apps to be run on a machine with sudo privilege (outside of sharcnet)
  • usage for a bids-app is now listed if you run: bidsBatch <app_name>
  • singularity URLs make use of the shub-cache tool to automatically download an image if it does not exist (note: this will be replaced by native SHUB caching once they fix a known bug in a future singularity release)

Initial release (already in production on graham)

16 Jan 02:20
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