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Hpsaturn edited this page May 24, 2023 · 2 revisions

!! W A R N N I N G !!

This wiki pages was moved to the official CanAirIO documentation portal, please visit it for the lastest guides and docs:

Starting console log

picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0

-->[HPMA] read > done! PM10:010 E08 [S13235] PM2.5:P009
-->[HPMA] read > done! PM10:009 E08 [S13236] PM2.5:P008
-->[AM2320] Humidity: 0.00 % Temp: 0.00 °C
-->[API] writing to [201]
-->[STATUS] 10001101

Device status vector

The current flags status is represented on one byte and it is returned on config:

bit_sensor  = 0;    // sensor fail/ok
bit_paired  = 1;    // bluetooth paired
bit_wan     = 2;    // internet access
bit_cloud   = 3;    // publish cloud
bit_code0   = 4;    // code bit 0
bit_code1   = 5;    // code bit 1
bit_code2   = 6;    // code bit 2
bit_code3   = 7;    // code bit 3

The error codes are represented on up four bits. Error code table:

ecode_sensor_ok          =   0;
ecode_sensor_read_fail   =   1;
ecode_sensor_timeout     =   2;
ecode_wifi_fail          =   3;
ecode_ifdb_write_fail    =   4;
ecode_ifdb_dns_fail      =   5;
ecode_json_parser_error  =   6;
ecode_invalid_config     =   7;
ecode_api_write_fail     =   8;


    00000011 -> sensor ok, device paired
    00001101 -> sensor ok, wan ok, ifxdb cloud ok
    01000101 -> sensor ok, wan ok, ifxdb write fail
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