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majic3 edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

What is JLM & Extending App with it

Javascript Model-View-Controller framework inspired by Ruby on Rails and CakePHP. You want to use it to organize your code and develop Javascript code faster thanks to conventions.


Set functions applied onReady – controllers may be applied to by controllerName / action combinations (not governed by the name of file)

$.jlm.bind('app_controller.beforeFilter', function () {
$.jlm.bind('pages.admin_edit', function() {


JLM has two forms of components auto-applied and those initiated with a start-up method.

Auto Component

Componant Code run on listed or all controller/actions

// SelectActions is called on all admin pages - this is applied to custom MVC in your app
$.jlm.component('SelectActions', '*', function() {
     // code to manage to deletion, publication or classification of content when listed

Invokable Components

Say a app need to provide users control over mp3 files. SoundManager is added to vendors. Then I build a component with code required to meet my need the outline is below

// A component which I plan to use somewhere
$.jlm.addComponent('mp3Manager', {
  startup: function() {
// start up sound manager
playSound: function () {
// play sound manager - this function would manipulate the content of mp3 div to display a control to call stopSound
stopSound: function () {
// stop the sound
editTitle: function () {
// change title of mp3
insertInstance: function () {
// insert into content - put code into 
// You can apply it to custom MVC with the following app/jlm/examples.js
$.jlm.bind('music.admin_index', function() {
  // start up the mp3Manager
  //  apply function to a.mp3 click to call
  $('#mp3List a.mp3').click($.jlm.components.mp3Manager.playSound());
  // edit the title of mp3
  $('#mp3List a.editTitle).click($.jlm.components.mp3Manager.editTitle());
/* elsewhere I would want to call mp3Manager eg when display mp3s to insert - then I call */


Javascript source projects made available to JLM


HTML Block templates with Placehodlers for script vars & l18n

Add controllers, components, vendors, views to app/jlm – these are then included in the JLM output.

JLM outputs the source of the wildflower/jlm/ & app/jlm/. The output is cached to app/tmp/cache/