RaceID algorithm
RaceID is an algorithm for the identification of rare and abundant cell types from single cell transcriptome data. The method is based on transcript counts obtained with unique molecular identifies.
RaceID is written in the R computing language.
The following files are provided:
RaceID class definition: RaceID_class.R RaceID sample code: RaceID_sample.R RaceID reference manual: Reference_manual_RaceID.pdf RaceID sample data: transcript_counts_intestine.xls
If you use RaceID please cite:
Dominic Grün, Anna Lyubimova, Lennart Kester, Kay Wiebrands, Onur Basak, Nobuo Sasaki, Hans Clevers & Alexander van Oudenaarden (2015) Single-cell mRNA sequencing reveals rare intestinal cell types. Nature DOI:10.1038/nature14966