- React native app consist of single webview (aka iframe) which opens specific page on Rails server
- Rails uses Devise in order to authenticate user
- App takes care for passing authentication and push notification token between React client and Rails backened (user will stay logged in after reopening the app)
- Simple way to ask for push notification permission via Rails->JS (no need to make changes in React when you want to change UX)
- Send push notifications from backend to subscribed user
- Clickable notifications (click on notification can open specific page)
In the root of the repository is Rail code.
React Native app can be found in /react_native_app
rails s
ssh -R expoapp:80:localhost:3000 serveo.net` # or `ngrok http 3000` (change paths in App.js if you use another proxy: e.g. ngrok)
ngrok URL should be changed in react_native_app/App.js in order to point to your local ngrok instance:
cd react_native_app
npx expo start
Install Expo go
application in AppStore (for iPhone users)
More details: https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup