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CLARIAH CMDI Forms: services

CCF backend services

demo: run the Hello World Form

  1. Start the docker container:
docker run -p 1210:1210 --name=ccf --rm -it
  1. Initialize the HelloWorld app:
curl -v -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer foobar' http://localhost:1210/app/HelloWorld
  1. Visit the HelloWorld app:


  1. Visit the API documentation:


Default credentials:

  • admin API key: foobar
  • htp.test: user test with password test

ALWAYS change these when running a CCF production deployment!

Setup your own

Create or select a CMDI profile

Create or select a CMDI profile in/from the Component Registry

Note: CCF limitations!

  • don't use attributes, as they are tied to XML and don't have a decent counterpart in JSON, RDF, ...

Remember the ID of your profile, which can be seen in its XML representation, e.g.

<ComponentSpec isProfile="true" CMDVersion="1.2" CMDOriginalVersion="1.2">
    <Description>A showcase profile for the CLARIAH CMDI Forms</Description>

Start the service

With release image:

docker run -v ./conf:/home/huc/huc-editor-service/conf -v ./data:/home/huc/huc-editor-service/data -p 1210:1210 --name=ccf --rm -it

With local image:

docker build -t ccf .
docker run -v ./conf:/home/huc/huc-editor-service/conf -v ./data:/home/huc/huc-editor-service/data -p 1210:1210 --name=ccf --rm -it ccf

This mounts both the local

  • conf directory, containing the global configuration
  • data directory, which will contain the app configuration, the profile, its tweak(s) and records

Initialize your app

curl -v -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer foobar'"my Application"

Tweak the profile

To add cues to the profile you can download a template tweak file for your profile:


This template replicates the full structure of the profile, but this is not needed: only the path to the components or the elements that are tweaked are needed.

<ComponentSpec xmlns:clariah="" xmlns:cue="" xmlns:xsi="" isProfile="true" CMDVersion="1.2" CMDOriginalVersion="1.2" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
        <Description>A showcase profile for the CLARIAH CMDI Forms</Description>
    <Component name="ShowcaseForm">
        <Element name="Hello">
            <clariah:label xml:lang="fr">Bonjour</clariah:label>
            <clariah:label xml:lang="nl">Hallo</clariah:label>            

To create a tweak file use:

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer foobar' -H 'Content-Type: application/xml'  http://localhost:1210/app/helloWorld/profile/ -v --data-binary '@./tweak.xml'

This will return you the location of the tweak file created, e.g., http://localhost:1210/app/helloWorld/profile/

An specfic tweak file can be updated using PUT, e.g.,

curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer foobar' -H 'Content-Type: application/xml'  http://localhost:1210/app/helloWorld/profile/ -v --data-binary '@./tweak.xml'

Or deleted, e.g.:

curl -v -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer foobar' http://localhost:1210/app/helloWorld/profile/

Note: the tweak file is not actually deleted on disk, but marked as such.

Multiple tweak files can exist and will be applied in order. The (future) purpose is to have dedicated tweak files for labels in specific languages, or a tweak file for indexing details. The result can be seen by requesting the profile, e.g., http://localhost:1210/app/helloWorld/profile/

Here some example tweak files can be found:

The next sections list the cues you can add to elements and components.

CMDI cues

Since CMDI 1.2 cues for tools can be specified. CCF supports the following cues using this mechanism:

  • cue:class: will add this as a CSS class, which can be used to style the elememt or component or to associate JavaScript triggers;
  • cue:displayOrder: change the order of the elements or components; this allows to mix them in the editor, which can't be done in the profile specification
  • cue:hide: if set to true this element or component won't be shown in the editor.
  • cue:inputHeight: change how many lines an input box is;
  • cue:inputWidth: change how many characters width an input box is;
  • cue:readonly: if set to true the value of this element can't be changed;

Cues are attributes in the namespace on the element or component tag, e.g.,

<Element name="begeleidendeInstantiesPersonen" xmlns:cue="" cue:displayOrder="45" cue:inputWidth="80" cue:inputHeight="6">

CCF cues

Multilingual labels

CMDI cues being attributes don't work together with xml:lang language attributes. To resolve this CCF uses the label element in the namespace for multilingual labels, e.g.,

<Element name="Hello" xmlns:clariah="">
    <clariah:label xml:lang="fr">Bonjour</clariah:label>
    <clariah:label xml:lang="nl">Hallo</clariah:label>            

Note: CCF doesn't support the CMDI external vocabularies syntax yet!

Currently you can specify an autocompleteURL in the namespace:

<Element name="researchActivity" cue:class="skosType" xmlns:clariah="">

The URI follows the follow pattern:

  • proxy: use the CCF proxy
  • the proxy recipe, e.g., skosmos
  • a specific instance of the recipe, e.g., [sd]./resources/proxies/skosmos-sd.toml) (see for an overview)
  • a vocab in that instance, e.g., tadirah

Note: add the cue:class="skosType" to get an icon to open up a dialog for browsing the vocabulary next to the default autocomplete.

CMDI auto values

CMDI 1.2 also added a way to specify auto values for an element, here the CCF supports:

  • now for a date value scheme, will set the element to the current date
<Element name="modified">

Other tweaks

In the tweak file propererties of elements can be changed within limits:

  • minimum and maximum cardinality within the original bounds
  • a vocabulary can be added as long as the values match the original value scheme

Configure the app

The configuration of the app can be retrieved:

curl -v -X GT -H 'Authorization: Bearer foobar' http://localhost:1210/app/HelloWorld/config

To update the config.toml use PUT with application/toml as the Content-Type:

curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer foobar' -H 'Content-Type: application/toml' http://localhost:1210/app/HelloWorld/config -v --data-binary '@./config.toml'

Here are some example configurations:

The columns in the record list

The record list contains by defalt the creation date of the record, but other fields can be added in the apps configuration, e.g.,



  • who is the id of the column;
  • xpath retrieves the value from the record;
  • label is the header of the column;
  • sort indicates if the column is sortable by clicking on the header
  • filter indicates if the column has a filter where you can type (true) or a dropdown of the possible values ('select', note: the single quotes are mandatory!)

The record title

Set an XPath to retrieve the title of the record in the HTML and PDF views of the record:



Set a CSS style that overwrites the default CSS style, e.g.:


This CSS file should be placed in the static/css/ directory within the app directory, e.g., .../apps/data-envelopes/static/css/data-envelopes.css.


Note: CCF doesn't support SSO yet!

User based access control is currently supported via htpasswd, e.g.:

htpasswd -b -c ./htp test test

To configure access control in the config add an app.access section, e.g.:



  • users points to the htpassword file;
  • read indicates who have read access: authenticated users or any (default)
  • write indicates who have write access: authenticated users or any (default)


Note: under development!


Place in in the src/ directory within the app directory, e.g., .../apps/vocabs/src/

import logging

def create_record(app: str, prof: str, rec: str):
    logging.debug((f"record[{rec}] created!"))

Configure the services

Global settings can be edited in the TOML file.

Access to the admin API

The token for the admin API is set in the :


Note: you MUST change this token in production!