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kodewdle committed Nov 7, 2023
2 parents fb1a5e1 + 8fcc27f commit 3f55b80
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Showing 8 changed files with 361 additions and 79 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
* New Font Outline settings added: Shadow, Shadow Outline, and Shadow Thick. None setting no longer has a shadow.
* Wrath patch 3.4.3
* Stacking of spells is supported now
* Retail patch 10.2
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ElvUI_FCT/ElvUI_FCT-BCC.toc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## SavedVariables: ElvFCT
## RequiredDeps: ElvUI
## Interface: 20504
## Version: 1.35
## Version: 1.36

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ElvUI_FCT/ElvUI_FCT-Classic.toc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## SavedVariables: ElvFCT
## RequiredDeps: ElvUI
## Interface: 11404
## Version: 1.35
## Version: 1.36
## IconTexture: Interface\AddOns\ElvUI_FCT\Button

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ElvUI_FCT/ElvUI_FCT-Mainline.toc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
## Title: |cff1784d1ElvUI|r |cFFdd2244Floating Combat Text|r
## SavedVariables: ElvFCT
## RequiredDeps: ElvUI
## Interface: 100107
## Version: 1.35
## Interface: 100200
## Version: 1.36
## IconTexture: Interface\AddOns\ElvUI_FCT\Button

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ElvUI_FCT/ElvUI_FCT-Wrath.toc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## SavedVariables: ElvFCT
## RequiredDeps: ElvUI
## Interface: 30403
## Version: 1.35
## Version: 1.36
## IconTexture: Interface\AddOns\ElvUI_FCT\Button

Expand Down
231 changes: 208 additions & 23 deletions ElvUI_FCT/core.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ local _, ns = ...
local FCT = ns[2]
local S = E:GetModule('Skins')

local wipe, tinsert, tremove = wipe, tinsert, tremove
local sin, cos, pi, rand = math.sin, math.cos, math.pi, math.random
local wipe, tinsert, tremove, CopyTable = wipe, tinsert, tremove, CopyTable
local type, unpack, next, ipairs, format = type, unpack, next, ipairs, format
local band, guid, uisu, uhm, gsi =, UnitGUID, UnitIsUnit, UnitHealthMax, GetSpellInfo
local info, buln, cf = CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo, BreakUpLargeNumbers, CreateFrame
Expand All @@ -17,6 +17,82 @@ ns.objects, ns.spells, ns.color = {}, {}, {}
ns.colorStep, ns.fallback = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64}, {1,1,1}
ns.CT = E:CopyTable({}, _G.CombatFeedbackText)
ns.IF = {}

local stack = CreateFrame('Frame')
stack.tickWait = 3 -- time before sending hot to the update
stack.hitsWait = 2 -- time to check for rapid spells
stack.hitAmount = 5 -- amount of hits during hitsWait
stack.sendDelay = 0.1 -- delay of the spell being sent out
stack.watching = {} -- stacks to watch
stack.hitsSpells = {} -- stack count within wait time
stack.spells = {} -- spells to count as stacks
stack.sendSpells = {} -- spells pushed to be sent out

stack.DelaySpell = function(data)
for fb in next, ns.objects do
FCT:Update(fb, data)

stack.HasSpells = function(s)
return next(s.watching) or next(s.hitsSpells) or next(s.spells) or next(s.sendSpells)

stack.CheckShown = function(s)
local shown = s:IsShown()
local spells = s:HasSpells()
if not shown and spells then
elseif shown and not spells then

stack.WatchSpells = function(s, elapsed)
s.hits = (s.hits or 0) + elapsed
if s.hits > s.hitsWait then
s.hits = 0

for key, hits in next, s.hitsSpells do
if hits > s.hitAmount then
s.watching[key] = true

s.hitsSpells[key] = nil

s.ticks = (s.ticks or 0) + elapsed
if s.ticks > stack.tickWait then
s.ticks = 0

for key, spell in next, s.spells do
for uid, data in next, spell do
s.sendSpells[key..'^'..uid] = data

s.spells[key] = nil

s.sends = (s.sends or 0) + elapsed
if s.sends > 0.1 then
s.sends = 0

local delay = 0
for key, data in next, s.sendSpells do
delay = delay + s.sendDelay
E:Delay(delay, s.DelaySpell, data)

s.sendSpells[key] = nil

stack:SetScript('OnUpdate', stack.WatchSpells)
ns.SH = stack -- stacks handler

local harlemShake = {
StopIt = function(object)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,39 +261,61 @@ function FCT:StyleNumber(unit, style, number)
return number

function FCT:Update(frame, fb)
if not fb.unit or not fb.owner:IsShown() then return end
function FCT:Update(fb, data)
local unit = fb.unit
if not unit or not fb.owner:IsShown() then return end

local a, b, c, d, e -- amount, critical, spellSchool, dmgColor, isSwing
local _, f, _, g, _, _, _, h, _, _, _, j, _, k, l, _, _, m, _, _, n = info()
-- event (2nd), sourceGUID (4th), destGUID (8th), 1st Parameter [spellId] (12th), spellSchool (14th), 1st Param (15th), 4th Param (18th), 7th Param [critical] (21st)
local f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n = data.f, data.g, data.h, data.j, data.k, data.l, data.m, data.n

if h ~= guid(fb.unit) then return end -- needs to be the frames unit!
-- needs to be the frames unit!
if h ~= guid(unit) then return end

if f == 'SPELL_HEAL' or (fb.showHots and f == 'SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL') then
-- stack data for the unit
local udata = data[unit]
local hits, crits, amount
if udata then
hits, crits, amount = udata.hits, udata.crits, udata.amount

-- check hot and dots
local dot = f == 'SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE'
local hot = f == 'SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL'

-- not showing on this unit
local blockOvertime = (dot and not fb.showDots) or (hot and not fb.showHots)
if blockOvertime then return end

-- convert data
if f == 'SPELL_HEAL' or (fb.showHots and hot) then
a, b, d = l, m, ns.color.Heal
elseif f == 'RANGE_DAMAGE' then
a, b, d = l, n, ns.color.Ranged
elseif f == 'SWING_DAMAGE' then
a, b, d, e = j, m, ns.color.Physical, true
elseif f == 'SPELL_DAMAGE' or (fb.showDots and f == 'SPELL_PERIODIC_DAMAGE') then
elseif f == 'SPELL_DAMAGE' or (fb.showDots and dot) then
a, b, c = l, n, k
elseif f == 'SPELL_MISSED' or f == 'RANGE_MISSED' then
a = l
elseif f == 'SWING_MISSED' then
a, e = j, true

-- check if the source is us
local petUID = guid('pet')
local sourceMe = g == E.myguid or g == petUID

-- handle blocking spells
local ex = not e and FCT.db.exclude[j]
if ex and ( or ex[fb.frametype]) then return end

local tb, pb
if fb.isTarget and not (h == guid('target') and uisu(fb.unit, 'target')) then
local tb, pb -- target block, player block
if fb.isTarget and not (h == guid('target') and uisu(unit, 'target')) then
tb = true
if fb.isPlayer then
local y = h == E.myguid and uisu(fb.unit, 'player')
local z = g == E.myguid or (fb.showPet and g == guid('pet'))
local y = h == E.myguid and uisu(unit, 'player')
local z = g == E.myguid or (fb.showPet and g == petUID)
if y or z then -- its player
if fb.isPlayer == 1 and tb then tb = false end -- allow player on all
elseif fb.isPlayer ~= 1 then -- dont pb when we are doing this
Expand All @@ -226,7 +324,57 @@ function FCT:Update(frame, fb)
if tb or pb then return end

if (type(a) == 'number' and a > 0) or type(a) == 'string' then
-- just verify its an amount first
local A = (type(a) == 'number' and a > 0) and a

-- handle stacking spells
if hits then
if not fb.stackingSelf then return end -- not allowed on this frame
if not amount or amount <= 0 then return end -- amount not valid
elseif A and not FCT.db.stacks.exclude[j] and ((fb.stackingSelf and sourceMe) or (fb.stackingOthers and not sourceMe)) then
local key = j..'^'..f -- neato
local overtime = dot or hot -- its a real hot or dot automatically add it
if overtime and stack.overtime and not stack.watching[key] then
stack.watching[key] = true

if stack.watching[key] then
-- spell full data
local s = stack.spells[key]
if not s then -- if its not in spells, add it
s = {}
stack.spells[key] = s

-- spell unit data
local p = s[h]
if not p then
p = CopyTable(data)
s[h] = p

local u = p[unit]
if not u then
u = {}
p[unit] = u

-- handle increases
u.hits = (u.hits or 0) + 1 -- amount of hits
u.crits = (u.crits or 0) + (b and 1 or 0) -- amount of crits
u.amount = (u.amount or 0) + (A or 0) -- add up the amount

return -- dont need to continue
elseif not overtime and stack.hitsDetect then -- check if we need to stack it
stack.hitsSpells[key] = (stack.hitsSpells[key] or 0) + 1

-- dont need it running when its not watching

-- handle displaying spells
if A or type(a) == 'string' then
if (fb.showIcon or fb.showName) and not (e or ns.spells[j]) then ns.spells[j] = {gsi(j)} end

local text
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,6 +422,10 @@ function FCT:Update(frame, fb)

if hits then
b = nil -- ignore crit stuff during stacking

if b then
if fb.critShake then
local parent = fb.owner.unitFrame or fb.owner.UnitFrame or fb.owner
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -305,17 +457,30 @@ function FCT:Update(frame, fb)

if ct then
elseif hits then
if hits > 1 then
local red, green, blue = ns.color.Stack[1] * 255, ns.color.Stack[2] * 255, ns.color.Stack[3] * 255
local _r, _g, _b = ns.color.Prefix[1] * 255, ns.color.Prefix[2] * 255, ns.color.Prefix[3] * 255

local allowCrits = stack.showCrits and crits > 0
text:SetFormattedText('%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s%s|r|cff%02x%02x%02x%s%s|r', FCT:StyleNumber(unit, fb.numberStyle, amount), red, green, blue, stack.prefix, hits, _r, _g, _b, allowCrits and fb.prefix or '', allowCrits and crits or '')
elseif crits > 0 then
local red, green, blue = ns.color.Prefix[1] * 255, ns.color.Prefix[2] * 255, ns.color.Prefix[3] * 255
text:SetFormattedText('|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r', red, green, blue, fb.prefix, FCT:StyleNumber(unit, fb.numberStyle, amount), red, green, blue, fb.prefix)
text:SetText(FCT:StyleNumber(unit, fb.numberStyle, amount))
elseif b and fb.prefix ~= '' then
local red, green, blue = ns.color.Prefix[1] * 255, ns.color.Prefix[2] * 255, ns.color.Prefix[3] * 255
text:SetFormattedText('|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r', red, green, blue, fb.prefix, FCT:StyleNumber(fb.unit, fb.numberStyle, a), red, green, blue, fb.prefix)
text:SetFormattedText('|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r%s|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r', red, green, blue, fb.prefix, FCT:StyleNumber(unit, fb.numberStyle, a), red, green, blue, fb.prefix)
text:SetText(FCT:StyleNumber(fb.unit, fb.numberStyle, a))
text:SetText(FCT:StyleNumber(unit, fb.numberStyle, a))

if fb.mode == 'Simpy' then
if not fb.FadeOut then fb.FadeOut = { mode = 'OUT' } else fb.FadeOut.fadeTimer = nil end
if not fb.FaderIn then fb.FaderIn = { mode = 'IN' } else fb.FaderIn.fadeTimer = nil end
ns.SI.FadeIn(fb.FaderIn, fb.Frame, 0.2, text.fadeTime + (b and 0.3 or 0), 0.4, 0.0, 0.8)
ns.SI.FadeIn(fb.FaderIn, fb.Frame, 0.2, text.fadeTime + (hits and 0.5 or (b and 0.3) or 0), 0.4, 0.0, 0.8)
elseif fb.mode == 'LS' then
tinsert(fb.objs, text)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,6 +582,8 @@ function FCT:SetOptions(fb, db)
fb.critFontOutline = db.critFontOutline
fb.alternateIcon = db.alternateIcon
fb.shakeDuration = db.shakeDuration
fb.stackingSelf = db.stackingSelf
fb.stackingOthers = db.stackingOthers
fb.cycleColors = db.cycleColors
fb.numberStyle = db.numberStyle
fb.critShake = db.critShake
Expand All @@ -428,8 +595,8 @@ function FCT:SetOptions(fb, db)
fb.isTarget = db.isTarget
fb.isPlayer = db.isPlayer
fb.iconSize = db.iconSize
fb.followSize = db.followSize
fb.showPet = db.showPet
fb.followSize = db.followSize
fb.prefix = db.prefix
fb.mode = db.mode

Expand All @@ -456,11 +623,29 @@ function FCT:SetOptions(fb, db)

for object, texts in next, ns.objects do
FCT:Update(object, texts)
local data, _ = ns.IF -- update the table before using it
_, data.f, _, data.g, _, _, _, data.h, _, _, _, data.j, _, data.k, data.l, _, _, data.m, _, _, data.n = info()
-- event (2nd), sourceGUID (4th), destGUID (8th), 1st Parameter [spellId] (12th), spellSchool (14th), 1st Param (15th), 4th Param (18th), 7th Param [critical] (21st)

for fb in next, ns.objects do
FCT:Update(fb, data)

function FCT:UpdateStacks(db)
stack.sendDelay = db.sendDelay
stack.tickWait = db.tickWait
stack.hitsWait = db.hitsWait
stack.hitAmount = db.hitAmount
stack.hitsDetect = db.hitsDetect
stack.overtime = db.overtime
stack.showCrits = db.showCrits
stack.prefix = db.prefix


function FCT:Toggle(frame, module, db)
if module.enable and db.enable then
FCT:Enable(frame, db)
Expand All @@ -475,8 +660,8 @@ function FCT:Enable(frame, db)
FCT:SetOptions(fb, db)
FCT:EnableMode(fb, db.mode)

if not ns.objects[fb.owner] then
ns.objects[fb.owner] = fb
if not ns.objects[fb] then
ns.objects[fb] = true
Expand All @@ -486,8 +671,8 @@ function FCT:Disable(frame)
if fb then

if ns.objects[fb.owner] then
ns.objects[fb.owner] = nil
if ns.objects[fb] then
ns.objects[fb] = nil

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