✨ Features
- Add new command to run YAML tests by @pranavgaikwad in #166
- Adding alizer to determine languages and components by @shawn-hurley in #197
- add --incident-selector and --context-lines by @pranavgaikwad in #201
🐛 Bug Fixes
- run dep cli only when mode is set to full by @pranavgaikwad in #169
- remove dependency only pod, use new dep-output flag to get dependencies by @shawn-hurley in #175
- fixing the location of the created programs to correct dir by @shawn-hurley in #185
- update java provider settings + serialize test runner by @pranavgaikwad in #192
- fix detection of binary analysis by @pranavgaikwad in #200
- Update deps by @pranavgaikwad in #195
- fix volumes in shared containers, update demo output for new rulesets by @pranavgaikwad in #205
- fix volume for docker, fix cleanup by @pranavgaikwad in #209
- update volume type by @pranavgaikwad in #210
New Contributors
- @dagood made their first contribution in #165
- @kthatipally made their first contribution in #191
- @hhpatel14 made their first contribution in #225
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.4.0