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Version control

József Stéger edited this page Mar 27, 2018 · 1 revision

How to clone your repository

Clone a project repository in your linux desktop client

  1. Generate a new rsa key.
ssh-keygen -N "" -t rsa -b 4096 -f kooplex_gitlab_rsa
  1. Upload the public part of your new key in the gitlab as an additional key, named

  2. Make sure to edit ssh client configuration file in your home folder .ssh/config file to contain the following lines. The IdentityFile property should point to the absolute path of your private instance of the new RSA key kooplex_gitlab_rsa.

Host kooplexgit
        User git
        IdentityFile <YOUR_PRIVATE_RSA_FILE>
        Port 22222
  1. clone a project repository paying attention to indicate who the project owner is and do not forget to append .git as an extensio to the project name.
git clone kooplexgit:<PROJECT_OWNER>/<PROJECT_NAME>.git
Clone this wiki locally