Ktor - Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
ktor-client-oauth-feature - Ktor Client Feature for handling OAuth token refreshes
Ktorfit - HTTP client / Kotlin Symbol Processor for Kotlin Multiplatform (Js, Jvm, Android, Native, iOS) using KSP and Ktor clients inspired by Retrofit
- Connectivity status - Monitor the internet connection status of your device on Android and iOS.
- KMPNotifier - Simple and easy to use Kotlin Multiplatform Push Notification library (using Firebase Cloud Messaging) targeting ios and android.
- Store - A Kotlin Multiplatform library for building network-resilient applications.
kotlinx.serialization (official) - Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization
encoding - Rfc 4648 Section 4-8 compliant encoding (Base 16, 32 Crockford, 32 Default, 32 Hex, 64 Default, 64 Url Safe).
- Voyager - A multiplatform navigation library built for, and seamlessly integrated with, Jetpack Compose.
SQLDelight - Generates typesafe Kotlin APIs from SQL.
Door - Room for Kotlin Multiplatform.
Realm - Kotlin Multiplatform and Android SDK for the Realm Mobile Database: Build Better Apps Faster.
Kotbase - Kotlin Multiplatform library for Couchbase Lite—a lightweight, embedded, syncable, NoSQL database
Kodein-DB - Embedded NoSQL database
multiplatform-settings - A Kotlin Multiplatform library for saving simple key-value data.
KVault - Secure key-value storage for Kotlin Multiplatform projects.
KCrypt - Kotlin encryption key generator and encrypted key-value storage.
AppDirs - Kotlin Multiplatform AppDirs is a small library which provides a path to the platform dependent special folder/directory.
file-picker - A multiplatform compose widget for picking files with each platform's Native File Picker Dialog.
okio - A modern I/O library for Android, Java, and Kotlin Multiplatform.
KStore - A tiny Kotlin multiplatform library that assists in saving and restoring objects to and from disk using kotlinx.coroutines, kotlinx.serialisation and okio.
- Koin - A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin
compose-imageloader - Compose Image library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
Libres - Resources generation in Kotlin Multiplatform.
- coroutine (official) - Support for Kotlin coroutine.
- kotlinx-datetime - Official date and time library
krypt - Cryptography library. Support for SecureRandom, Hash(MD5/SHA1/SHA256), AES.
kotlin-multiplatform-libsodium - A Kotlin Multiplatform wrapper for Libsodium cryptography library.
cryptography-kotlin - Type-safe Multiplatform cryptography library for Kotlin which doesn't implement any cryptography algorithm on its own, but wraps well-known future-proof solutions like OpenSSL 3.x, WebCrypto or JCA.
DatL4g/Sekret - đź”’ Deeply hide secrets with Kotlin Multiplatform (API Keys, Application credentials, etc).
Orbital - Jetpack Compose animation library that allows you to implement animations such as shared element transition.
Rebugger - Rebugger is a simple compose utility function that can track the change in the given arguments. It’ll print the reason for recomposition in your Logcat window.
Kotlin-Multiplatform-Firebase - Kotlin Multiplatform - Android/iOS/Web/Node.Js(Firebase)
Firebase-java-sdk - The Firebase Java SDK is a pure java port of the Firebase Android SDK to run in clientside java environments such as the desktop.
FirestoreKMP - Firestore KMP Library
Ktor - Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
AAY chart - The library contains several chart composables for usage in Kotlin Multiplatform projects and Android Native.
Kamel - Kamel is an asynchronous media loading library for Compose Multiplatform. It provides a simple, customizable and efficient way to load, cache, decode and display images in your application.
Flower - Flower is a Kotlin multi-platform (originally, Android) library that makes networking and database caching easy.
Bouquet - Bouquet is a PDF reader library written completely in Jetpack Compose.
ComposeShadowsPlus - ComposeShadowsPlus is a powerful Android Compose library that empowers developers with the ability to easily create and customize stunning, high-quality shadows for their UI elements.
Compose Scrollbars - The ComposeScrollbars is a feature-rich Android Compose UI library that seamlessly incorporates customisable scrollbars, including size, animations, background/knob layer style, and scroll behavior, for a seamless UX.
Compose Cards - ComposeCards is a beautifully designed payment view library for Credit and Debit Cards.
Compose Dialogs - This library offers you an easily extendible compose framework for modal dialogs and allows to show them as a dialog or a bottom sheet.
Picture in Picture - This repository holds an Android Library that helps with the use of Picture-in-Picture mode. It also includes a sample app that shows how to use the library.
material3 windowsizeclass multiplatform - Compose Multiplatform: Material 3 Window Size Class.
QR-code Scaner - QR Code Scanner with Jetbrains Jetpack compose multiplatform! - QrScannerScreen.android.kt
QRose - QR code design library for Compose Multiplatform.
- List Selection Animation - How to create list sections with animated shapes link
- Multiplatform Paging - Kotlin Multiplatform library for Pagination on Android and iOS
Napier - Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
klogger - Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
- Multiplatform expressions evaluator - Runtime infix expressions evaluator.
Compose Multiplatform Wizard - Template Generator
- other list - This list contains libraries which support iOS and Android targets in first place.
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