Tools for video editing / using a Postgres server on AWS EC2 for DaVinci Resolve remote collaboration.
NB / warning: There is a lot of configuration specific to particular projects throughout that should really be moved into separate config files.
brew install libmagic
pip install click boto3
pip install python-magic
dk up --build
export SQ__ ....
sq dev bash
This is a click command line tool with some of these commands:
❯ sq
dev -- Local (mac host) commands.
docker -- Commands to be run inside the docker host...
ffmpeg -- ffmpeg commands.
pg -- pg commands.
tf -- Terraform commands.
❯ sq dev
bash -- Start bash in docker container, inheriting...
bootstrap -- pre bootstrap.
mk-opt-ebs -- Create mac host /opt/ebs/pgdata
project-init -- Init project directory on mac host in...
s3-down -- Download s3 to local.
s3-up -- Push local up to s3.
scp -- scp to the aws docker host.
ssh -- ssh to the aws docker host.
tail-davinci -- Tail the DaVinci Resolve log on mac host.
tail-pg -- Tail the pg log on host.
tail-pg-ec2 -- Tail the pg log on ec2.
tunnel -- Tunnel to the aws docker pg db.
❯ sq docker
pg-dump -- pg_dump the Mac DaVinci db.
pg-restore -- restore db.
tf-apply -- Apply tf plan in docker.
tf-plan -- Run tf plan in docker.
❯ sq docker
resolve-mp4 -- Convert to mp4 for import to DaVinci Resolve.
❯ sq pg
dump -- pg_dump the Mac DaVinci db.
ec2-dump -- backup all ec2 dbs in cluster to s3
mac-down -- Stop the Mac DaVinci db (to free port 5432).
mac-up -- Start the Mac DaVinci db.
restore-ec2 restore -- restore db.
❯ sq tf
apply -- Apply tf plan in docker.
plan -- Run tf plan in docker.
Runs postgres:9.5.23
in docker and forwards host port 54325
to container port 5432
, ie, you can connect to the docker postgres instance on mac port 54325
from Postico or DaVinci. See docker-compose.yml
for the rest of the db config.
Has all the terraform deps and inherits some env vars from the mac host.