This repository contains a (Eventual - full-stack) 🌱 web application that I have built from the ground up. The WebApp serves as my personal implementation of TMDB (The Movie Database), providing a comprehensive movie and shows database with some captivating Netflix-like UI elements. The project is developed using React with TypeScript, making it a powerful and efficient application.
- TMDB-like Database: This project features a movie and shows database that allows users to explore a vast collection of films and TV shows fetched from TMDB.
- Netflix-like UI Elements: The WebApp boasts an attractive and user-friendly UI, inspired by Netflix's captivating design, offering a seamless browsing experience.
- React Routing: The application leverages React Routing for smooth navigation between different sections and pages.
- State Management with Hooks: For efficient state management, the project utilizes React Hooks, ensuring optimized and well-organized data handling.
- Responsive UI with SCSS: The user interface is responsive and adapts smoothly to various screen sizes, powered by the SCSS preprocessor for enhanced styling.
- Lazy Load Components: React.lazy lazy-loaded component wrapped in React's Suspense component & also startTransition API.
- Minimal 3rd Party Dependencies: To keep the project lightweight and maintain full control over the codebase, with custom Webpack, Babel, typescript Eslint configuration without create-react-app, it utilizes only a few external dependencies:
- react-router-dom for routing purposes.
- react-swipeable to incorporate smooth swipe actions.
- sass for the CSS preprocessor to maintain scalable and maintainable styles.
- TypeScript for type safety and better development experience.
- axios for easy API integration.
- react-icons for incorporating icons seamlessly.
- react-error-boundary for catch JS errors & Fallback UI