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Cloud-native nodejs, inspired by spring-boot and spring-cloud


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Plankton, originally inspired by Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, was born to provide nodejs microservice boilerplate. Plankton's closest analogue would likely be Nest, from which it borrows some patterns, such as for terminus health checks and dotenv configuration.

Plankton's feature set includes:

  • Batteries-included-but-replaceable approach to configuring Express.
  • Health check middleware that can be extended with custom indicators
  • A TypedEventEmitter singleton for application lifecycle events.
  • A simple LoggingFactory and Logger abstraction inspired by SLF4J.
  • Utilities for safely pulling configuration in from environment variables.
  • JWT verification and claim authorization middleware.
  • An async middleware wrapper function to forward rejected promises to the Express NextFunction, at least until Express 5 arrives.
  • Prometheus endpoint for metrics scraping when deployed in "server" mode.

Quick Start

Most projects will need to install @krmcbride/plankton, and @krmcbride/plankton-server.

Server bootstrapping

To boot your service in "server" mode (to run in a Kubernetes pod for instance) create a boot/src/index.ts file with the following:

import '@krmcbride/plankton-server/dist/src/boot';

The server entrypoint after compilation would be boot/dist/src.

Application project structure

The recommended monorepo project structure is:

amqp/  <------------------ Optional AMQP I/O adapters
api/  <------------------- The service's API, consisting of Express routers
app/  <----------------- Optional Vue app
boot/  <---------------- The boot module prepares the service at runtime, with plankton's help
    __tests__/  <------- Integration tests, which should use an .itest.ts suffix
    components/  <------ Runtime initialization, dependency injection, event registration, etc.
      index.ts  <------- Loaded by plankton on boot
      local.env  <------ Optional local gitignored environment variable overrides
      index.ts  <------- All runtime configuration pulled in using plankton-environment
      index.ts  <------- Loaded by plankton, registers routers from the api module
    index.ts  <--------- Service entrypoint, uses plankton's boot script (see previous section)
    parsers.ts  <------- Optional, loaded by plankton on boot to modify body parsing
core/  <---------------- The core domain/model, i.e. the reason this service exists at all
data/  <---------------- Optional persistence I/O adapters
    aws-s3/  <---------- AWS S3 DTOs and DAOs
    mongodb/ <---------- MongoDB DTOs and DAOs
    redis/  <----------- Redis DTOs and DAOs
web/  <----------------- Optional web I/O adapters
    client/  <---------- Web clients (REST, GraphQL, etc)

Note that boot/src/index.ts is required but the components, parsers, and routes modules are optional (although having no routes or components won't make much of a service). The boot/src/config/local.env file is also optional and should be placed on the project's .gitignore.

Boot sequence hooks

On boot plankton will attempt to load several optional modules from the project's boot/src directory:


  • Should export an async function accepting ComponentsCallbackArgs.
    • The components callback is responsible for performing all runtime preparation before the app starts receiving requests. These responsibilities may include:
      • Dependency injection and creation of services defined in boot/src/components/
      • Registration of plankton startup or shutdown listeners
      • Registration of AMQP consumers
      • Initialization of database connections
      • Registration of health checks

The following is a boot/src/components/index.ts implementation example:

import { ComponentsCallbackArgs, emitter } from '@krmcbride/plankton';
import { leaderControlLoop } from 'plankton-work-queue';
import config from '../config';
import { amqpHealthIndicator } from './amqp-connection-manager';
import { configureConsumers } from './amqp-consumers';
import { mongoClientFactory, mongoHealthIndicator } from './mongo-client-factory';
import { redisHealthIndicator } from './redis-client-factory';
import { fooControlLoop } from './tasks';

export default async ({ registerHealthIndicator }: ComponentsCallbackArgs) => {
  registerHealthIndicator('amqp', amqpHealthIndicator);
  registerHealthIndicator('mongodb', mongoHealthIndicator);
  registerHealthIndicator('redis', redisHealthIndicator);
  await mongoClientFactory(); // eagerly connect
  if (config.amqp.consumers.enabled) {
    await configureConsumers();
  if (config.tasks.enabled) {
    emitter.once('started', () => {
    emitter.once('shutdown', (shutdownPromises) => {

Health checks registered with the registerHealthIndicator function provide a check name and a HealthIndicator, which is simply an async function:

export const redisHealthIndicator = async () => {
  if (redisClient.connected) {
    return { status: 'connected' };
  throw new HealthCheckError('Redis is not connected', undefined);


  • Should export an async function accepting ParsersCallbackArgs.
  • This callback may be used to modify bodyParser and cookieParser config, etc.

If plankton's defaults were copied into a boot/src/parsers.ts it would look like:

import { ParsersCallbackArgs } from '@krmcbride/plankton';

export default async ({ app }: ParsersCallbackArgs) => {
  app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
  app.use(bodyParser.json({ type: ['json', '+json'] }));


  • Should export an async function accepting RoutesCallbackArgs.
  • This is where components from src/boot/components should be injected into router factories and registered with express.

The following is a src/boot/routes/index.ts implementation example:

import { RoutesCallbackArgs } from '@krmcbride/plankton';
import fooRouterFactory from '../../web/api/foo-router-factory';
import barRouterFactory from '../../web/api/bar-router-factory';
import barDependency from '../components/bar-dependency';
import errorHandler from './support/error-handler';

export default async ({ app, access }: RoutesCallbackArgs) => {
  app.use('/foo', fooRouterFactory());
  // All subsequent paths require an authenticated user
  app.use('/bar', barRouterFactory(barDependency));


See packages/plankton-server/src/server/config.ts for plankton's default configurations.

All configuration should be provided via environment variables. In non-production settings plankton will use dotenv to load the project's src/boot/config/local.env file if it exists, which should be used to set local development environment variables.

Plankton exports an environment module with getProperty and getPropertyAsBoolean functions to assist with setting configuration from the environment.

The following is a sample src/boot/config/index.ts which it uses to centralize all configuration, using plankton's environment utils to ensure all required configuration is set on startup. For readability you may use dot.delimited.camelCase property keys with getProperty and getPropertyAsBoolean. All keys are normalized to UPPER_SNAKE_CASE with dots becoming underscores.

Reminder: all environment variables start out as strings. Plankton's getPropertyAsBoolean implements a truthiness internal function that interprets "false", "off", "no", "nope", and "0" as false, while any other value is true. This means an empty string is true, i.e. getPropertyAsBoolean('FOO_ENABLED') is true when FOO_ENABLED=.

import { environment } from '@krmcbride/plankton';

const { getProperty, getPropertyAsBoolean } = environment;

export default {
  amqp: {
    consumers: {
      enabled: getPropertyAsBoolean('amqp.consumers.enabled', true),
  foo: {
    bar: Number(getProperty('', '6')),
  mongodb: {
    uri: getProperty('mongodb.uri'),
  redis: {
    url: getProperty('redis.uri', 'redis://redis:6379'),
  tasks: {
    version: 'v1',
    enabled: getPropertyAsBoolean('tasks.enabled', true),

Typed Event emitter

The standard nodejs EventEmitter is great and plankton creates and exports a singleton instance for itself and applications to use.

Plankton actually uses eventemitter3 as its EventEmitter implementation.

Plankton coerces this EventEmitter into a TypedEventEmitter<PlanktonEvents> which maintains the same familiar API but allows for proper type checking on emitter usage.

At time of writing Plankton's PlanktonEvents looks like:

type PlanktonEvents = {
  started: () => void;
  shutdown: (shutdownPromises: Promise<unknown>[]) => void;

To see an example of started and shutdown event usage see the src/boot/components callback example earlier in this doc

This emitter can be augmented with application events. For example, imagine a service foo that emits a bar event with a BarEvent payload using the plankton emitter. First it creates a union FooEvents type that combines the bar event with those from PlanktonEvents:

import { PlanktonEvents } from '@krmcbride/plankton';
import BarEvent from './bar-event';

export type FooEvents = {
  bar: (barEvent: BarEvent) => void;
} & PlanktonEvents;

Now a TypedEventEmitter<FooEvents> can be injected elsewhere:

import { TypedEventEmitter } from '@krmcbride/plankton';
import { FooEvents } from '../../../core/foo-events';

export default (emitter: TypedEventEmitter<FooEvents>): Router => {
  const router = express.Router();'/', (req, res, next) => {
    // ...
    emitter.emit('bar', barEvent); // type checking is applied, cool!
    // ...
  return router;

Finally, you can coerce the original Plankton emitter into a TypedEventEmitter<FooEvents>:

import { emitter as planktonEmitter, TypedEventEmitter } from '@krmcbride/plankton';
import { FooEvents } from '../../core/foo-events';

export const emitter = planktonEmitter as TypedEventEmitter<FooEvents>;


A simple LoggerFactory is provided, inspired by SLF4J (simple logging facade for java).

import { LoggerFactory } from '@krmcbride/plankton';

const LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger('myservice.example.fooBar');'This is a message with placeholder %s', foo);
LOG.error(err, 'Oops, widget %s is broken',;

To enable pretty printing in development set the LOGGING_PRETTY= environment variable. Use the LOGGING_LEVEL prefix to adjust logger level thresholds.

# Sets the logger level for all loggers without a more
# specific level:
LOGGING_LEVEL=debug # The default level is info.
# Set a logger or group of loggers to a different level:
# Shut off logging entirely for a set of loggers:

In the example above, a logger with name falls back to the debug level, but a logger with name my.noisy.logger or, etc, will use the warn level.

The logger levels in order from least severe to most severe are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal.

Some logging best practices:

  • Use trace sparingly. This level is typically reserved for tight loops or otherwise extremely high frequency code paths. One should expect that enabling trace could result in many thousands of logs in a short period of time.
  • Use debug for "development tracing". That is, log messages that could be useful in development while verifying behavior. Consider removing some debug logging as a feature becomes more stable.
  • Use info logging for startup and shutdown events, or other state changes that happen rarely but are useful to observe. Most of the time when we feel the urge to log something at info level we should really be publishing metrics instead. A healthy service doesn't need to log constantly to tell us its healthy. If we're trying to observe the behavior of a service, metrics are usually the way to do it (you can use logs to generate metrics but typically logs and metrics are different libraries/transports/backends, etc).
  • Use warn for edge cases that may or may not indicate unexpected behavior. Warnings that trigger frequently should probably be investigated.
  • Any unexpected Error should be logged at error level, with the Error included as the first argument, regardless of how/if the error is handled. An error log is always bad and unexpected. If an error is expected, it should be a warning or reexamined.
  • fatal is typically reserved for a framework like Plankton and is used right before killing the nodejs process, for example during a failed startup or shutdown, or on an uncaughtException. You should only see fatal logs if a service is in a crash loop, or otherwise failing at low level.


Cloud-native nodejs, inspired by spring-boot and spring-cloud







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