My Demo Spring Boot Micro Service
- Java 8
- API Interceptor which triggers Smart Contract on Etherium Test Network
- JUnit Test Cases
- Integration Tests using JUnit , H2DB (No Mocks)
- Pinpoint for performance metric
- Containerized using Docker
- ASCII Doc to gerenrate API Documentation as static HTML pages
- Swagger Documentation
This project is containerized so you can easily build and run with 2 commands or 1 command to bring the complete application stack up.
Application stack includes
- Spring Boot Application: REST APIs with Swagger page
- nginx instance: for static content like API documentation
- Portainer: Docker container management for local and swarm cluster
- PinPoint: APM [Application Performance Management] based on Drapple
- MySQL instance: For production and default/dev profile application uses MySQL for test profile its H2DB, in-memory database
CI/CD : Using Travis for CI/CD : Runs Build for each branch. From master it deploys to ElasticBeanstalk in AWS.
To run REST APIs only If you wish to build and run REST APIs on your host OS
- Java 8 SDK
- MySQL 5.7.21 running on port 3306 with an existing DB schema as "qualibrate"
Alternatively, you can use docker files from this repository and simple instructions below to build and run on docker. In that case you only need your docker environment up and running.
Build process includes,
- Test Cases
- StyleCheck (in process)
- Code Quality Check (in process)
- asciidoc doc job to generate API documentation
- build executable jar of spring-boot app
You can build and Run this application in two ways as below
- clone this repository
- make sure you have JDK 8 installed
- in root of project run below command
> ./gradlew build
Note : For Windows environment : sometimes asciidoc fails the build (due to a bug with Ruby). in that case you can use build process using docker as below.
I have created a simple docker build machine based on official Java 8 image which can be used for any gradle project. You need to provide Git URL of the code and shared volume path by passing environment variable to docker. The container will clone the repository and will also build the project.
Make sure your docker environment is already setup and you can mount VOLUME to docker containers
You need to run a docker image and pass two parameters as below
- Git URL : in this case its same as this repository's URL
- Docker's path : for mounted volume. so make sure you mount a volume and specify the path
Command to build using docker build machine
docker run --name {name-for-your-container} -e GIT_REPO_URL='' -e DOCKER_PATH='{path-on-container-filesystem where git will clone and gradle build is run}' -i -v {your-local-dir}:{path-on-container-filesystem} krunalsabnis/spring-java-build:latest
Git repository will be cloned at {your-local-dir}.
You should be able to see build progress on console. Once done the build docker container remains running unless you stop it and can be reused [more details ->]
This app can be run in two ways.
##1. Run in local setup You need a local instance of MySQL running on port 3306 and should have database created with name as "qualibrate"
> java -jar .\build\libs\qualibrate-java-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.datasource.username={your db username} --spring.datasource.password={your db password}
##2. Docker Compose for [MySQL, Spring Boot App, nginx, Portainer]
- MySQL container
- Spring Boot container
- nginx container - as of now it hosts API documentation generated by asciidoc
- Portainer to monitor and manage docker environment
- PinPoint - Application Performance Management
Once you have successfully build the project simply run below
> docker-compose up
##3. Real easy ? Pull the image from Docker Repository
- To bring complete stack up including pin point. Run below in project root directory:
> cd prebuilt
> docker-compse up
- Excluding pinpoint To exclude PinPoint and bring stack up with Portainer, MySQL, nginx and APIs
> cd prebuilt
> docker-compse –f cocker-compose up # this will ignore overridden file for pinpoint
API Host : http://localhost:8080
Swagger Page : http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
API Documents : http://localhost:8085
Portainer : http://localhost:9000 [Docker Environment Management]
PinPoint : http://localhost:3080 [APM]
This project use lombok, please install it into your IDE. For details