README Learning notes for ROS and AGV Table of content References Youtube References Documents Code Type code here print("Hello world") Reference Youtube # Content Remark 1 Self Driving Car with Lane Detection using Raspberry Pi 2 OpenCV Raspberry Pi Self Driving Car using Neural Networks P1 3 OpenCV Raspberry Pi Self Driving Car using Neural Networks P2 4 OpenCV Raspberry Pi Self Driving Car using Neural Networks P3 5 Raspberry Pi to Arduino Communication 6 Lane Detection P1 7 Lane Detection P2 8 Lane Detection P3 9 Self-driving car at night 10 OpenCV Python Neural Network Autonomous RC Car 11 Self Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Review 12 OpenCV Raspberry Pi Self Driving Car using Neural Networks 13 INTRODUCTION TO SELF DRIVING CAR USING JETSON NANO Reference Documents # Content Remark 1 Arduino line follower robot 2 Raspberry pi arduino serial communication 3 Raspberry pi L298n interface tutorial 4 Lane detection python