Releases: kwooshung/Files
Releases · kwooshung/Files
🎉 1.0.9
🌐 English (en)
🐛 Fix
- Update Node dependencies (#8971631)
🌐 简体中文 (zh-CN)
🐛 Fix
- 更新节点依赖项 (#8971631)
🌐 繁體中文(中国台湾省) (zh-TW)
🐛 Fix
- 更新節點依賴項 (#8971631)
🌐 日本語 (ja)
🐛 Fix
- ノード依存関係を更新します (#8971631)
🌐 한국어 (ko)
🐛 Fix
- 노드 종속성을 업데이트합니다 (#8971631)
🌐 Русский (ru)
🐛 Fix
- Обновить зависимости узла (#8971631)
This Changelog, Powered by @kwooshung /cvlar
🎉 1.0.8
🌐 English (en)
🐛 Fix
- Repair document description details description error (#cf2f157)
🌐 简体中文 (zh-CN)
🐛 Fix
- 维修文件说明详细信息说明错误 (#cf2f157)
🌐 繁體中文(中国台湾省) (zh-TW)
🐛 Fix
- 維修文件說明詳細信息說明錯誤 (#cf2f157)
🌐 日本語 (ja)
🐛 Fix
- ドキュメントの修復説明詳細説明エラー (#cf2f157)
🌐 한국어 (ko)
🐛 Fix
- 문서 설명 세부 정보 설명 오류 (#cf2f157)
🌐 Русский (ru)
🐛 Fix
- Ремонт документ Описание подробности Описание Ошибка (#cf2f157)
This Changelog, Powered by @kwooshung /cvlar
🎉 1.0.7
🌐 English (en)
🐛 Fix
- The file address in the bag specifies an error (#0c23ee0)
🌐 简体中文 (zh-CN)
🐛 Fix
- 袋子中的文件地址指定错误 (#0c23ee0)
🌐 繁體中文(中国台湾省) (zh-TW)
🐛 Fix
- 袋子中的文件地址指定錯誤 (#0c23ee0)
🌐 日本語 (ja)
🐛 Fix
- バッグ内のファイルアドレスはエラーを指定します (#0c23ee0)
🌐 한국어 (ko)
🐛 Fix
- 백의 파일 주소는 오류를 지정합니다 (#0c23ee0)
🌐 Русский (ru)
🐛 Fix
- Адрес файла в сумке указывает ошибку (#0c23ee0)
This Changelog, Powered by @kwooshung /cvlar
🎉 1.0.6
🌐 English (en)
🐛 Fix
- Quality Test badges address (#3360bff)
🌐 简体中文 (zh-CN)
🐛 Fix
- 质量测试徽章地址 (#3360bff)
🌐 繁體中文(中国台湾省) (zh-TW)
🐛 Fix
- 質量測試徽章地址 (#3360bff)
🌐 日本語 (ja)
🐛 Fix
- 高品質のテストバッジアドレス (#3360bff)
🌐 한국어 (ko)
🐛 Fix
- 품질 테스트 배지 주소 (#3360bff)
🌐 Русский (ru)
🐛 Fix
- Адрес тестирования качества (#3360bff)
This Changelog, Powered by @kwooshung /cvlar
🎉 1.0.5
🌐 English (en)
🐛 Fix
- Change the warehouse address of the package (#9b98d15)
🌐 简体中文 (zh-CN)
🐛 Fix
- 更改包装的仓库地址 (#9b98d15)
🌐 繁體中文(中国台湾省) (zh-TW)
🐛 Fix
- 更改包裝的倉庫地址 (#9b98d15)
🌐 日本語 (ja)
🐛 Fix
- パッケージの倉庫アドレスを変更します (#9b98d15)
🌐 한국어 (ko)
🐛 Fix
- 패키지의 창고 주소를 변경하십시오 (#9b98d15)
🌐 Русский (ru)
🐛 Fix
- Измените адрес склада пакета (#9b98d15)
This Changelog, Powered by @kwooshung /cvlar
🎉 1.0.4
🌐 English (en)
🐛 Fix
- Modify the warehouse name to make it more uniform (#539ce63)
🌐 简体中文 (zh-CN)
🐛 Fix
- 修改仓库名称以使其更加统一 (#539ce63)
🌐 繁體中文(中国台湾省) (zh-TW)
🐛 Fix
- 修改倉庫名稱以使其更加統一 (#539ce63)
🌐 日本語 (ja)
🐛 Fix
- 倉庫名を変更して、より均一にします (#539ce63)
🌐 한국어 (ko)
🐛 Fix
- 창고 이름을 수정하여 더 균일하게 만들 수 있습니다 (#539ce63)
🌐 Русский (ru)
🐛 Fix
- Изменить название склада, чтобы сделать его более единым (#539ce63)
This Changelog, Powered by @kwooshung /cvlar
🎉 1.0.3
🌐 English (en)
🐛 Fix
- Fix the wrong words, update dependencies (#5ae9cd7)
🌐 简体中文 (zh-CN)
🐛 Fix
- 修复错误的单词,更新依赖项 (#5ae9cd7)
🌐 繁體中文(中国台湾省) (zh-TW)
🐛 Fix
- 修復錯誤的單詞,更新依賴項 (#5ae9cd7)
🌐 日本語 (ja)
🐛 Fix
- 間違った単語を修正し、依存関係を更新します (#5ae9cd7)
🌐 한국어 (ko)
🐛 Fix
- 잘못된 단어를 수정하고 종속성을 업데이트하십시오 (#5ae9cd7)
🌐 Русский (ru)
🐛 Fix
- Исправить неправильные слова, обновить зависимости (#5ae9cd7)
This Changelog, Powered by @kwooshung /cvlar
🎉 1.0.2
🌐 English (en)
🆕 Add
- Add .gitattributes, forced settings to LF (#e48ae85)
🌐 简体中文 (zh-CN)
🆕 Add
- 添加.gitAttributes,强制设置为LF (#e48ae85)
🌐 繁體中文(中国台湾省) (zh-TW)
🆕 Add
- 添加.gitAttributes,強制設置為LF (#e48ae85)
🌐 日本語 (ja)
🆕 Add
- .gitattributes、強制設定をLFに追加します (#e48ae85)
🌐 한국어 (ko)
🆕 Add
- .gitattributes, 강제 설정을 LF에 추가하십시오 (#e48ae85)
🌐 Русский (ru)
🆕 Add
- Добавить .gitattributes, принудительные настройки в LF (#e48ae85)
This Changelog, Powered by @kwooshung /cvlar
🎉 1.0.1
🌐 English (en)
🐛 Fix
- Dependent configuration error (#cc6ea60)
🌐 简体中文 (zh-CN)
🐛 Fix
- 依赖配置错误 (#cc6ea60)
🌐 繁體中文(中国台湾省) (zh-TW)
🐛 Fix
- 依賴配置錯誤 (#cc6ea60)
🌐 日本語 (ja)
🐛 Fix
- 従属構成エラー (#cc6ea60)
🌐 한국어 (ko)
🐛 Fix
- 종속 구성 오류 (#cc6ea60)
🌐 Русский (ru)
🐛 Fix
- Зависимая ошибка конфигурации (#cc6ea60)
This Changelog, Powered by @kwooshung /cvlar
🎉 1.0.0
🌐 English (en)
✨ Feature
- Chinese and English has been completed (#3798c58)
- Add file size calculation; repair test files to reach 100% coverage; (#6a9bd6c)
- Added Filehound packaging to facilitate search files (#6859806)
- Write function, setting type, more flexible and rich (#f5b2358)
- Fixed some parameter default values and added some test files (#d3e17c5)
- Add
(#9fe2668) - New test file (#867931f)
- Increase the obtaining folder path, remove the two functions of the folder (#e17276b)
- Copy or move function, including files or folders (#8a888f2)
- Write the file (#fc1a9e8)
- Read file (#d2808e7)
- Create a folder (#40ef5e9)
- Add multiple file deletions, you can set multiple paths, that is, a path array (#094b98d)
- Remove file or folder (#12ea957)
- Check whether the path of the file or folder exists (#27d15fa)
- Initialize the project, increase the standardized path function (#3a42f25)
💩 Optimization
- The coverage rate is improved as much as possible (#68b0179)
- Fix the repeated code, repeat the standardization path (#ad4dc7a)
🐛 Fix
- Repair some things (#ffd886f)
- Fix the problem of the residual folder or file after testing (#7c7a1ac)
- The coverage is as complete as possible. At present, it is not good to cover the failure. Most of the tests have been covered (#47e196e)
- Remove test coverage 100% (#32501c4)
- Makedir test coverage reaches 100% (#da18586)
- Remove function, add Makedir test (#d058b9c)
- Forgot to add English annotation (#03965f6)
- Fixed some abnormal treatment methods (#f1be722)
- Make sure all the deletions hanging are completed (#a9d76f4)
- Initial commit (#2fb5694)
🌐 简体中文 (zh-CN)
✨ Feature
- 中文和英语readme.md已完成 (#3798c58)
- 添加文件大小计算;维修测试文件达到100%覆盖范围; (#6a9bd6c)
- 添加了文件猎犬包装以促进搜索文件 (#6859806)
- 写功能,设置类型,更灵活和丰富 (#f5b2358)
- 修复了一些参数默认值并添加了一些测试文件 (#d3e17c5)
- 添加“ isdir”和“ isfile” (#9fe2668)
- 新的测试文件 (#867931f)
- 增加获得的文件夹路径,删除文件夹的两个函数 (#e17276b)
- 复制或移动功能,包括文件或文件夹 (#8a888f2)
- 写文件 (#fc1a9e8)
- 读取文件 (#d2808e7)
- 创建一个文件夹 (#40ef5e9)
- 添加多个文件删除,您可以设置多个路径,即路径阵列 (#094b98d)
- 删除文件或文件夹 (#12ea957)
- 检查文件或文件夹的路径是否存在 (#27d15fa)
- 初始化项目,增加标准路径功能 (#3a42f25)
💩 Optimization
🐛 Fix
- 修理一些东西 (#ffd886f)
- 测试后解决剩余文件夹或文件的问题 (#7c7a1ac)
- 覆盖范围尽可能完整。目前,弥补失败是不好的。大多数测试已涵盖 (#47e196e)
- 删除测试覆盖范围100% (#32501c4)
- Makedir测试覆盖率达到100% (#da18586)
- 删除功能,添加Makedir测试 (#d058b9c)
- 忘了添加英语注释 (#03965f6)
- 修复了一些异常治疗方法 (#f1be722)
- 确保所有删除悬挂都已完成 (#a9d76f4)
- 初始提交 (#2fb5694)
🌐 繁體中文(中国台湾省) (zh-TW)
✨ Feature
- 中文和英語readme.md已完成 (#3798c58)
- 添加文件大小計算;維修測試文件達到100%覆蓋範圍; (#6a9bd6c)
- 添加了文件獵犬包裝以促進搜索文件 (#6859806)
- 寫功能,設置類型,更靈活和豐富 (#f5b2358)
- 修復了一些參數默認值並添加了一些測試文件 (#d3e17c5)
- 添加“ isdir”和“ isfile” (#9fe2668)
- 新的測試文件 (#867931f)
- 增加獲得的文件夾路徑,刪除文件夾的兩個函數 (#e17276b)
- 複製或移動功能,包括文件或文件夾 (#8a888f2)
- 寫文件 (#fc1a9e8)
- 讀取文件 (#d2808e7)
- 創建一個文件夾 (#40ef5e9)
- 添加多個文件刪除,您可以設置多個路徑,即路徑陣列 (#094b98d)
- 刪除文件或文件夾 (#12ea957)
- 檢查文件或文件夾的路徑是否存在 (#27d15fa)
- 初始化項目,增加標準路徑功能 (#3a42f25)
💩 Optimization
🐛 Fix
- 修理一些東西 (#ffd886f)
- 測試後解決剩余文件夾或文件的問題 (#7c7a1ac)
- 覆蓋範圍盡可能完整。目前,彌補失敗是不好的。大多數測試已涵蓋 (#47e196e)
- 刪除測試覆蓋範圍100% (#32501c4)
- Makedir測試覆蓋率達到100% ([#da18586](