A template / sample project for OCaml (Melange) & React Native based monorepo mobile application projects.
Be aware that this is a preliminary template / sample project and things are not guaranteed to work.
(BTW: Android APK is available at the GitHub release page (tag: v0-bc46w6a))
this rather silly game:
can be implemented with the following OCaml code (in module Accumulator_example
of jsland/apps/mobile-app/melsrc/entrypoint.ml
let[@react.component] body ?(initialAccumulatorValue = 3) () =
let open Guikit in
let accumulator, updateAccumulator =
React.useState (constant initialAccumulatorValue) in
let mode, updateMode = React.useState (constant (`plus : [ `plus | `minus ])) in
let flip_mode = function `plus -> `minus | `minus -> `plus in
((text_str ~style:Style.accumulator
& sprintf "Accumulator = %d" accumulator;
) :: (
let mode_indicator, mode_effect = match mode with
| `plus -> "+", (+)
| `minus -> "-", Fn.flip (-)
let button' ?key ?onPress title =
button title ?key ?onPress
>! view ~style:Style.button in
let row ?key elems = hview elems ?key ~style:Style.row in
let row_of_action_buttons from : int -> React.element =
(iotaf &&> row) &
((+) from) &>
fun x ->
sprintf " %s%d" mode_indicator x
|> button' ~onPress:(fun () -> updateAccumulator (mode_effect x))
([ row_of_action_buttons 1 3;
row_of_action_buttons 4 3;
row_of_action_buttons 7 3;
row [
button' "MOD" ~onPress:(fun () ->
updateMode flip_mode);
button' "RST" ~onPress:(fun () ->
updateAccumulator (constant initialAccumulatorValue));
button' "NEG" ~onPress:(fun () ->
updateAccumulator (( * ) (-1)));
] |> view) :: [
let bingo = accumulator = 0 in
text_str ~style:(Style.prompt ~bingo)
(if bingo
then "You did it! (tap RST to start over)"
else "Try to get the accumulator value to 0");
|> view ~style:Style.container)
you probably want to know about the following combinators which are not entirely standard (most of them are defined in kxclib):
val (&) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
- in the same spirit of Haskel's$
, to reduce parenthesesval (&>) : ('x -> 'y) -> ('y -> 'z) -> ('x -> 'z)
- "backward" function compositionval (&&>) : ('x -> 'y -> 'z) -> ('z -> 'r) -> ('x -> 'y -> 'r)
- "backward" function composition for functions taking two argumentsval iotaf : (int -> 'a) -> int -> 'a list
-iotaf f n
generates a list of[0; ..; n-1]
then map it withf
let (>!) : 'a -> ('a list -> 'b) -> 'b = fun x f -> f [x]
- piping a value as a the only element to a function that expects a list as argument; analogy ofval (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
can you make sense of it without first playing the game or looking at
the code dependencies (e.g. stuff that might have been in Guikit
## assume you have cloned the repository
## if submodule(s) haven't be initialized yet, you can do so with
git submodule update --init
## you should follow the Dev Setup Notes to have a complete dev setup
# to confirm Node.js and Yarn setup, you can use
node --version # tested on: v18.17.1
yarn --version # tested on: 1.22.19
# to confirm OPAM setup, you can use
opam --version # tested on: 2.2.0~alpha3~dev
opam switch # tested on: compiler = ocaml-base-compiler.5.1.0,ocaml-options-vanilla.1
# (Android only) to confirm Android SDK setup, you can use
ls "$ANDROID_HOME/platforms" # tested on: android-33-ext4
javac -version # tested on: javac 11.0.17
# to confirm OCaml version, you can use
ocamlc --version # tested on: 5.1.0
# (iOS only) to confirm Xcode setup, you can use
xcodebuild -showsdks # tested on: -sdk iphonesimulator17.0
# (iOS only) to confirm CocoaPods version, you can use
pod --version # tested on: 1.12.1
## after dev setup, firstly do a warm-up build:
dune build
(cd jsland && yarn && yarn build)
## after the above succeed, you can start the dev building & packaging servers with
(cd jsland && yarn start-metro) & # or run without the trailing '&' in another terminal
(cd jsland && yarn dev) & # or run without the trailing '&' in another terminal
## you can now build, install, and start the Android app with
(cd jsland && yarn start-android)
## to build the iOS app, you need to first perform a CocoaPods install with
(cd jsland/apps/mobile-app/ios && pod install)
## you then should be able to build, install, and start the iOS app on a simulator with
(cd jsland && yarn start-ios-sim-iphone15)
## or, to run the iOS app on a real device: open the Xcode project and proceed in Xcode
## more instructions are available with
(cd jsland && yarn start-ios-device)
- you will need OPAM and a ocaml.5.1.0 switch
- see https://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Install.html for OPAM installation instructions
- you can create a global opam.5.1.0 switch by running
opam switch create 5.1.0
; or- alternatively you can create a "local switch" (local to this project folder) by running
opam switch create . 5.1.0
- alternatively you can create a "local switch" (local to this project folder) by running
- do remember to run
eval $(opam env --switch=5.1.0)
(note: the switch's name could differ) as instructed by OPAM after creating the switch
- once a OPAM switch is ready, you should be able to install all OCaml dependencies running
opam install . --deps-only --with-test
- there might be dependencies that is not listed and won't be installed with the command above.
you can usually install the libraries needed using
opam install
, but please report if this happens.
- there might be dependencies that is not listed and won't be installed with the command above.
you can usually install the libraries needed using
- Node.js, Yarn, Android SDK, Xcode will be required to build / run this sample repo. please have them properly setup before proceeding
- recommended extensions to get:
- OCaml Platform (marketplace link)
- ESLint (marketplace link)
- you probably want the following in your
{ "eslint.workingDirectories": [ {"mode": "auto"} ] }
- React Native application folderappsrc/App.tsx
- OCaml (Melange) UI code
- internal library
Github Actions can be enabled by deleting the following statement in .github/workflows/common.yml
if: github.repository == 'kxcdev/kxc-melange-react-native-template'
This is an opt-in feature because it uses kxcdev/ocaml-general-gha instead of the official setup-ocaml.
There is a branch jsc that demonstrate how to disable Hermes Engine and use JavaScriptCore as the JavaScript engine on Android. Please note that this branch is not actively maintained so may not be up to date when compared to the main branch.
Most code is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") by the copyright holder(s) listed below. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
Copyright 2023 Kotoi-Xie Consultancy, Inc.
Some code / material is licensed differently. See NOTICES for definitive information.