The Robot Vision API allows FRC teams to specify some key parameters about the target they are looking for, and receive the location of the target in a given image. Developed through FRC Team 5112, The Gongoliers.
To use the the Library of Gongolierium with Gradle projects, you can use JitPack by adding the following lines to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.kylecorry31:Robot-Vision-API:v1.1.2'
* Detects the 2019 vision targets.
* @param image The image from the camera.
* @return The list of vision target groups.
public List<Target> detect2019Targets(Mat image){
// Adjust these parameters for your team's needs
// Target filter parameters
double minBrightness = 200;
double maxBrightness = 255;
// Contour filter parameters
Range area = new Range(0.03, 100);
Range fullness = new Range(0, 100);
Range aspectRatio = new Range(0.2, 4);
// Camera settings
FOV fov = new FOV(50, 40); // This is the approx. Microsoft LifeCam FOV
Resolution resolution = new Resolution(640, 480);
boolean cameraInverted = false;
int imageArea = resolution.getArea();
// An HSV filter may be better for FRC target detection
TargetFilter filter = new BrightnessFilter(minBrightness, maxBrightness);
ContourFilter contourFilter = new StandardContourFilter(area, fullness, aspectRatio, imageArea);
CameraSettings cameraSettings = new CameraSettings(cameraInverted, fov, resolution);
TargetFinder targetFinder = new TargetFinder(cameraSettings, filter, contourFilter, TargetGrouping.SINGLE);
// Find the targets
List<Target> targets = targetFinder.findTargets(image);
// Sort the targets by x coordinates
targets.sort(Comparator.comparingDouble(target -> target.getBoundary().center.x));
List<Target> bays = new ArrayList<>();
// If the current target is a left and the next is a right, make it a pair
for (int i = 0; i < targets.size() - 1; i++) {
Target current = targets.get(i);
Target next = targets.get(i + 1);
// Determine if the targets are a left and right pair
if (isLeftTarget(current) && isRightTarget(next)){
// Combine the targets
Target bay = TargetUtils.combineTargets(current, next, cameraSettings);
// Skip the next target
return bays;
* Determines if a target is a left vision target.
* @param target The target.
* @return True if it is a left target.
private boolean isLeftTarget(Target target){
return target.getSkew() < 0;
* Determines if a target is a right vision target.
* @param target The target.
* @return True if it is a right target.
private boolean isRightTarget(Target target){
return target.getSkew() > 0;
You can find documentation on this website.
Please fork this repo and submit a pull request to contribute. I will review all changes and respond if they are accepted or rejected (as well as reasons, so it will be accepted).
This project is published under the GPL-3.0 license.