- e8eb4bd: Add nataliasitko to codeowners (#1484) (@nataliasitko)
- 0ba127d: Add support for sha256-digest Component Name Mapping (#1502) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- 5264705: Align CODEROWNERS (#1512) (@lindnerby)
- 3a44bc4: Alpha list module updates and deploy to kyma system (#1507) (@jakobmoellersap)
- 0f7fc30: Bump github.com/containerd/containerd from 1.6.8 to 1.6.12 (#1474) (@dependabot[bot])
- 481489f: Bump helm.sh/helm/v3 from 3.10.2 to 3.10.3 (#1480) (@dependabot[bot])
- 69b614f: Bump helm.sh/helm/v3 from 3.10.3 to 3.11.1 (#1514) (@dependabot[bot])
- 8650995: Bump hydroform/function (#1440) (@moelsayed)
- 61d7e6a: Bump hydroform/function (#1441) (@moelsayed)
- ad6c10d: Bump hydroform/function (#1469) (@moelsayed)
- ad389b4: Bump reconciler with Istio 1.16 (#1482) (@barchw)
- 9e2e25f: Bump reconciler with Istio CNI support (#1466) (@cnvergence)
- 3f69be1: Bump reconciler with Istio user configuration (#1444) (@cnvergence)
- 9172dc6: Bump reconciler with fix for panic in Istio reconciler (#1479) (@barchw)
- f898e18: Bump reconciler with renamed Istio CNI ConfigMap (#1467) (@cnvergence)
- 7ae7811: Feature/improved insecure detection (#1438) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- a727bf4: Fix coredns patching for modular kyma on k3d (#1455) (@kwiatekus)
- 01d3659: Fix default registry management (#1445) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- 81b780c: Fix panic on gathering repository metadata (#1478) (@clebs)
- c14c1c2: Fix timeout issues in tests (#1490) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- 1875f49: Function synchronise fix (#1448) (@Cortey)
- caa95c3: Improve create module command (#1436) (@clebs)
- 23d57be: Open the dashboard at the end of deployment (#1468) (@clebs)
- fc4407b: Read default CR (#1489) (@pbochynski)
- e15d8f7: Remove skhalash from CODEOWNERS (#1447) (@skhalash)
- 04ff4c8: Revert "gomod(deps): bump github.com/docker/cli (#1518)" (#1521) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- e8fce67: Setup kustomize on kyma alpha create module (#1473) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- d266e8d: Update CLI to the newest function CRD (#1435) (@Cortey)
- fdf3153: Update reconciler image (#1471) (@barchw)
- e37b99a: Update reconciler to version 20230201142411 (#1506) (@barchw)
- 344aa58: Use Kyma Dashboard image instead of a Busola one (#1451) (@Wawrzyn321)
- 480de3a: Use URL and Version from Components file (#1465) (@franpog859)
- e0305f0: add IwonaLanger to CODEOWNERS (#1456) (@grego952)
- 590551f: add enable-registry-cred flag to cli (#1500) (@ruanxin)
- fe56601: add validation for channel (#1481) (@ruanxin)
- fb4aff3: change kubeconfig mount path for dashboard (#1505) (@mrCherry97)
- d77f71a: chore: bump machine image version to 576.12.0 stable (#1498) (@jakobmoellersap)
- 16c4924: chore: bump reconciler to latest (#1496) (@jakobmoellersap)
- 796370b: chore: update channels (#1464) (@jakobmoellersap)
- 043ef65: chore: upgrade and bump dependencies (#1439) (@jakobmoellersap)
- 1499232: enable dependabot library version updates (#1515) (@Tomasz-Smelcerz-SAP)
- 7ab808a: feat: kyma alpha list modules (#1501) (@jakobmoellersap)
- febf6ff: fix kymaCR option (#1509) (@ruanxin)
- a736f22: fix security vulnerabilities (#1504) (@khlifi411)
- ea9b213: fix-dashboard: mount kubeconfig to wrong path (#1485) (@Lyczeq)
- 220bb11: fix: adjust lifecycle manager operator path (#1449) (@adityabhatia)
- c6d17dd: gomod(deps): bump github.com/briandowns/spinner from 1.18.1 to 1.21.0 (#1519) (@dependabot[bot])
- a0dfbb0: gomod(deps): bump github.com/docker/cli (#1518) (@dependabot[bot])
- 2d54dff: gomod(deps): bump github.com/fatih/color from 1.13.0 to 1.14.1 (#1520) (@dependabot[bot])
- 93d0b85: gomod(deps): bump k8s.io/api from 0.26.0 to 0.26.1 (#1517) (@dependabot[bot])
- 3edc5b0: refactor: remove module-manager 'operator' folder (#1459) (@adityabhatia)
- d00834d: remove /.kyma-project-io/ from CODEOWNERS (#1450) (@pPrecel)
- 3a3c089: remove Maja from codeowners (#1453) (@grego952)
- fd9c2dc: update K8s api to get compatible with latest reconciler lib (#1493) (@tobiscr)