Available are both declarative and scripted options, and using k8s secrets or Jenkins Credentials for storing config.json docker credentials.
Replace the empty string here with your user/pass/email
kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-credentials \
--docker-username="" \
--docker-password="" \
You can use the same kubectl command and just use it locally to generate the file via --dry-run
kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-credentials \
--docker-username="" \
--docker-password="" \
--docker-email="" --dry-run=client -o jsonpath='{.data.\.dockerconfigjson}' | base64 -D > config.json
- Navigate to credentials
- Navigate to your domain
- Add Credentials
- Kind: Secret File
- Scope: select proper scope
- File: select the file on your local filesystem
- ID: for the example Jenkinsfile in this repo, use "docker-credentials"
- Description: enter something meaningful