A RESTful interface to landlab graphs.
Use conda to install the necessary requirements and landlab_rest,
$ conda install --file=requirements.txt -c conda-forge $ pip install .
Start the server,
$ start-sketchbook
Look at the line containing Serving on to see what host and port the server is running on. Alternatively, you can use the --host and --port options to specify a specific host and port (--help for help).
Now you should be able to send requests to the server. For instance, to get a RasterModelGrid,
$ curl
For a list of supported graphs
$ curl
You can pass parameters like,
$ curl ',5&spacing=2.,1.'
To build a new docker image that will be a landlab-rest server,
docker build . -t landlab-rest
After building, run the server,
docker run -it -p 80:80 landlab-rest
Once running, you can then send requests to the server. For example,
$ curl