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File metadata and controls

75 lines (48 loc) · 1.97 KB

Build train data and models from scratch

Get data

Two options: download the already generated training files or build them from scratch using the original Pubtator annotations.

Download Pubtator annotations files:


Get the already generated training files:


Download KB data:


NOTE: If you generate a new training dataset using recent versions of the KB, you will need to train new models. The models that are provided were trained using older versions of the KBs.

Generate Training data files

If you download the Pubtator annotations and intend to generate the training files from scratch (if not skip this step):

./src/bash/ <type> <kb> <pubtator>


  • type: Entity type to tag. "Chemical", "Disease", "Species", "Gene"
  • kb: target Knowledge Base. "medic", "ctd_chemicals", "ncbi_taxon", "ncbi_gene"
  • pubtator: include pubtator annotations or not


./src/bash/ Disease medic pubtator


./src/bash/ Chemical ctd_chem pubtator

Train PECOS-EL models

To train a PECOS-EL models in the previously referred training files:

python src/python/xlinker/ -ent_type <> -kb <> -model <> -dataset <> -ninstances <> -clustering <>


  • -ent_type: Target entity type; options: 'Disease', 'Chemical', 'Bio', 'Species', 'Gene'; type:str
  • -kb: Target knowledge base; options: 'medic', 'ctd_chemical', 'umls', 'ncbi_taxon', 'ctd_gene';type:str
  • -model: Deep text vectorizer; options: 'bert', 'biobert', 'scibert', 'pubmedbert'; type: str
  • -ninstances: Number of instances by concept in the training data; options: 10, 50, 100, 500; type: int
  • -clustering: Label representation method for clustering; options: 'pifa', 'pifa_lf'; type: str


python src/python/xlinker/ -ent_type Disease -kb medic -model biobert -clustering pifa