Hybrid X-Linker: Automated Data Generation and Extreme Multi-label Ranking for Biomedical Entity Linking
This repository includes the necessary code to reproduce all the experiments described here.
title={Hybrid X-Linker: Automated Data Generation and Extreme Multi-label Ranking for Biomedical Entity Linking},
author={Pedro Ruas and Fernando Gallego and Francisco J. Veredas and Francisco M. Couto},
The experiments were done in an environment based on Python 3.9.1.
Minimum storage: 11 GB free disk space.
To use the official Docker image for Python, pull the image to your local environment:
docker pull python:3.9-slim-bullseye
Run a container in the project directory:
nvidia-docker run -v $(pwd):/x_linker --name x_linker --ipc="host" --gpus '"device=0"' -it <image ID> bash
Replace the Docker image ID by the respective value and the number of GPU devices.
Inside the container, install the requirements:
Run in the root directory of the project:
Data is stored in https://zenodo.org/records/12704543.
Get knowledge base files, datasets/corpora (and PubTator annotations if building training data from scratch):
If you want to generate all the training data from scratch and train PECOS-EL models follow the instructions in the file 'build_train.md'. To just perform evaluation or use X-Linker for inference follow the next steps in this file.
To evaluate X-Linker in datasets:
python src/python/xlinker/evaluate.py -dataset <> -ent_type <> -kb <> -model_dir <> -top_k <> -clustering <> --abbrv --pipeline --ppr --fuzzy_top_k
- -dataset: evaluation dataset, 'bc5cdr', 'biored', 'nlm_chem' or 'ncbi:disease'; type=str, required=True
- -ent_type: entity type, 'Disease' or 'Chemical' type=str, required=True
- -kb: target knowledge organization system, 'medic' or 'ctd_chemicals; type=str, required=True
- -model_dir: directory 'data/models/trained' followed by the specific model directory: 'chemical_all_1ep', 'chemical_only_kb_1ep', 'disease_100_1ep', 'disease_200_1ep', 'disease_300_1ep', 'disease_400_1ep' 'disease_only_kb_1ep'; type=str, required=True
- -top_k: top-k candidates to output; type=int, default=5
- -clustering: type=str, default="pifa"
- --abbrv: use abbreviation detector or not; default=False, action=BooleanOptionalAction
- --pipeline: use the X-Linker pipeline or not default=False, action=BooleanOptionalAction
- --threshold: threshold to filter candidates; type=float, default=0.1
- --ppr: use the Personalized PageRank or not default=False, action=BooleanOptionalAction
- --fuzzy_top_k: number of candidates to be retrieved by the string matcher; type=int, default=1
Example for BC5CDR-Disease dataset:
python src/python/xlinker/evaluate.py -dataset bc5cdr -ent_type Disease -kb medic -model_dir data/models/trained/disease_200_1ep -top_k 2 --abbrv --pipeline --threshold 0.15 --ppr
Example for BioRED-Chemical dataset:
python src/python/xlinker/evaluate.py -dataset biored -ent_type Chemical -kb ctd_chemicals -model_dir data/models/trained/chemical_1ep_all -top_k 2 --abbrv --pipeline --threshold 0.1 --ppr
python src/python/sapbert.py -ent_type <ent_type> -dataset <disease> -kb <kb> -top_k <top_k> --abbrv
- ent_type: entity type, 'Disease' or 'Chemical' type=str, required=True
- dataset: evaluation dataset, 'bc5cdr', 'biored', 'nlm_chem' or 'ncbi:disease'; type=str, required=True
- kb: target knowledge organization system, 'medic' or 'ctd_chemicals; type=str, required=True
- top_k: top-k candidates to output; type=int, default=5 -- abbrv: use abbreviation detector or not; default=False, action=BooleanOptionalAction
python3.9 src/python/sapbert.py -dataset bc5cdr -ent_type Disease -kb medic -top_k 1
To use any of the PECOS-EL models for inference in a list of input entities run the script 'src/python/xlinker/inference_pecos.py'. Change the variable 'input_entities' manually.
Example using the input ["Hypertension", "Diabetes", "Cancer"]:
python src/python/xlinker/inference_pecos.py
model loaded!
KB info loaded!
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00, 2219.99it/s]
Entity: hypertension
Output: [('Hypertension', 'D006973', 1.0), ('Essential Hypertension', 'D000075222', 0.20821528136730194), ('Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced', 'D046110', 0.18146659433841705), ('Hypertension, Malignant', 'D006974', 0.17562662065029144), ('Hypertension, Renovascular', 'D006978', 0.11986447870731354)]
Entity: diabetes
Output: [('Diabetes Mellitus', 'D003920', 0.899384617805481), ('Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin-Dependent, 19', 'C565715', 0.587672233581543), ('Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin-Dependent, 7', 'C563957', 0.5324499607086182), ('Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental', 'D003921', 0.5279378890991211), ('Diabetes Mellitus, Transient Neonatal, 1', 'C563322', 0.47543802857398987)]
Entity: cancer
Output: [('Pharyngeal Neoplasms', 'D010610', 0.7916738986968994), ('Tongue Neoplasms', 'D014062', 0.7916738986968994), ('Breast Neoplasms', 'D001943', 0.7492217421531677), ('Laryngeal Neoplasms', 'D007822', 0.7154863476753235), ('Gallbladder Neoplasms', 'D005706', 0.5262947082519531)]