Fully modular implementation of rainbow DQN, allowing for each feature to be toggled individually.
This Project was part of the Fachprojekt: Applied Deep Reinforcement Learning at TU Dortmund.
To install run pip install modular-dqn
To start learning with our implementation simply execute the modular-dqn
command. While we have provided sensible default values for most hyperparameters, they can be adjusted individually.
Argument | Type | Description |
--env | --environment |
string | Gymnasium environment to learn |
-s | --steps |
int | Number of steps in Training |
-π | --policy |
string | Network to use (MLP |
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
--device |
string | None | Device used by pytorch (cpu |
--lr | --learning_rate |
float | 1e-3 | Learning rate used |
-ε | --epsilon |
float | 1 | Initial epsilon used for epsilon-greedy policy |
--edi | --epsilon_decay_interval |
int | 1e3 | Epsilon decay step interval |
--eds | --epsilon_decay_step |
float | 0.1 | Size of epsilon decay step |
--e_min | --epsilon_min |
float | 0.1 | Minimal epsilon value |
-𝛾 | --gamma |
float | 0.9 | Discount factor for future rewards |
-𝜏 | --tau |
float | 0.95 | Polyak update factor for target network |
--bs | --batch_size |
int | 32 | Batch size used to update the Q-Function |
--seed |
int | None | Seed for the environment |
--rm_size | --replay_memory_size |
int | 1e7 | Replay memory maximum capacity |
--rec_trigger |
int | None | Records every rec_trigger episodes if provided |
--wandb |
boolean | False | Whether progress should be logged to wandb |
--tags |
List[string] | None | Tags to add to the run on wandb |
--li | --log_interval |
int | 10 | Number of episodes between logs |
--load_file |
string | None | Relative path where the network should be loaded from if provided |
--optimizer |
string | SGD | Name of optimizer to be used (e.g. SGD |
--skip_frames | --skp |
int | 1 | The number of frames to skip each step |
--clip | --reward_clipping |
int | None | Set to 0 for hard or any other scale for soft clipping divided by scale |
-α | --alpha |
float | 0.5 | Alpha for priority replay |
-β | --beta |
float | 0.5 | Beta for priority replay |
--store_model |
Flag | - | Stores model every rec_trigger interval if set |
--ddqn |
Flag | - | Enables double deep Q-Learning |
--per |
Flag | - | Enables prioritized replay memory |
--n_step |
int | 1 | Sets n-step transition length |
--noisy |
Flag | - | Enables noisy linear layers for exploration |
--dueling |
Flag | - | Uses dueling networks architecture |
--cat | categorical |
Flag | - | Uses categorical dqn loss |
--rainbow |
Flag | - | Enables all improvements (--n_step should still be set) |
--kwargs |
Dict | None | Additional kwargs passed to environment on creation (usage |
--progress |
Flag | - | Display progress bar in terminal (requires rich) |
--loss |
string | SmoothL1 | |
--obs_size |
Tuple | None | Rescale image observations to given size (usage |
--heatmaps |
float | 0.0 | Heatmap opacity in videos or 0.0 for no heatmaps (only works with CNN and image observations) |
--graphs |
Flag | False | Generates Q-Value graph in videos (only works on linux currently) |
Name | Optimizer |
Adadelta |
torch.optim.Adadelta |
Adagrad |
torch.optim.Adagrad |
Adam |
torch.optim.Adam |
AdamW |
torch.optim.AdamW |
SparseAdam |
torch.optim.SparseAdam |
Adamax |
torch.optim.Adamax |
torch.optim.ASGD |
torch.optim.LBFGS |
NAdam |
torch.optim.NAdam |
RAdam |
torch.optim.RAdam |
RMSProp |
torch.optim.RMSprop |
Rprop |
torch.optim.Rprop |
torch.optim.SGD |
Name | Loss |
L1 |
torch.nn.functional.l1_loss |
torch.nn.functional.mse_loss |
CrossEntropy |
torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy |
torch.nn.functional.ctc_loss |
torch.nn.functional.nll_loss |
PoissonNLL |
torch.nn.functional.poisson_nll_loss |
GaussianNLL |
torch.nn.functional.gaussian_nll_loss |
KLDiv |
torch.nn.functional.kl_div |
torch.nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy |
Huber |
torch.nn.functional.huber_loss |
SmoothL1 |
torch.nn.functional.smooth_l1_loss |
SoftMargin |
torch.nn.functional.soft_margin_loss |