This project implements simple user service. You can perform all 4 CRUD operations on a user. Project based on 3-tier architecture (Presentation layer, Service layer, Data access layer)
- Create user
- Get user by id
- Get all users
- Update user
- Delete user
Available endpoints in the project:
- POST: /users
- GET: /users/{id}
- GET: /users
- PUT: /users/{id}
- DELETE: /users/{id}
The following stack of technologies was used in the project:
- H2
- Lombok
- JUnit 5
- REST Assured
- Spring Boot Core
- Spring Boot Web
- Spring Boot Data JPA
- Maven checkstyle plugin
Project launch information:
- Clone this project
- Run the application
- Execute the request using an HTTP-client (Postman, Katalon Studio, etc)