is an easy-to-use software update framework for Cocoa developers with silent updates.
This is a fork of Andy Matuschak's Sparkle framework with one important difference: it allows for automatic, silent updates. For an application like LayerVault, we have the app update during periods of inactivity. For system toolbar apps, this is some great behavior.
Please see the original Sparkle framework for instructions on getting Sparkle setup for your project.
Let's talk about setting up AutoSparkle.
You need to implement the LVUpdateActivityProtocol
, like so:
// MyChecker.h
@class MyChecker : NSObject<LVUpdateActivityProtocol>
// MyChecker.m
static const NSTimeInterval kUpdateCheckFrequency = 5 * 60;
@implementation MyChecker
- (NSDate *)lastActivity
return _lastActivity; // NSDate of the last user-performed action.
- (NSTimeInterval)updateThreshold
return kUpdateCheckFrequency;
Next up, it's up to you to call checkForUpdatesAndInstallAutomatically:
as you please. Here's how we do it:
// AppDelegate.m
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)note
[self resetActivityTimer];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- (void)resetActivityTimer
_lastActivity = [NSDate date];
if (_lastActivityTimer) {
[_lastActivityTimer invalidate];
_lastActivityTimer = nil;
_lastActivityTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:kUpdateCheckFrequency
- (void)checkForUpdates
[[SUUpdater sharedUpdater] checkForUpdatesAndInstallAutomatically:self];
Boom. checkForUpdatesAndInstallAutomatically
initializes a new LVAutomaticUpdateDriver
instance and lets that do the heavy lifting.
If an update it found, it performs a check to make sure the user hasn't done anything while we were downloading and
unpacking the update. If we're still in the clear, the new version of the application gets installed.
You should take a look the source for LVAutomaticUpdateDriver.m