This app is used to create, read, update and delete records (CRUD) in a PostgreSQL database. The results can be sorted according to recency, rating or author.
One needs to install PostgreSql server locally on one's PC. One can download it from PostgreSql download link. Follow instructions from the website to install it and set up your database.
Next, download pgAdmin, a GUI for working with PostgreSql server. Download here. One can copy the postgresql commands from queries.sql file and paste in PGAdmin to have some start-up data. Run the command *npm install in your terminal to install app dependencies* From the files downloaded here, run nodemon ./index.js and your app is up and running.
Note: use your password to replace my password in the db settings in index.js file. You may keep other values the same; if you make any change in these values especially the port number during installation, make sure to effect it within the file. To learn more on PostgreSql visit PostgreSql tutorials.