Output: ./input/raw_*
crawl ticker list and basic stock from http://www.nasdaq.com/screening/company-list.aspx
crawl financial statement from http://financials.morningstar.com/ratios/r.html?t=BIDU®ion=USA&culture=en_US
crawl historical stock prices from https://finance.yahoo.com/
./feature engineering.py
Input: ./input/feature_projection
Output: ./input/feature_label_*, selected_feature_*
Format basic information to the (sample_n, feature_m) matrix
[ feature1_sample_1, feature2_sample_1, ... feature_m_sample_1]
[ feature1_sample_m, feature2_sample_m, ... feature_m_sample_n]
Before filter, a sample has feature dimension 80 * 11 (880 financial ratios)
Delele the feature if it has more than N% missing values (we can set N as 1, 5, 10)
Since we need a complete time window to shift, if it doesn't have full 11 data, delete all of this
type of feature, such P/E or Asset turnover
Some stock may only have data from 2005 - 2014
Some starts at April 2007, we regard them as 2006
Input: ./input/feature_label_*
Output: ./output/result_*, ./output/tickers_*
Take financial ratios (2006 - Dec.2014) to train the model
Increase training sample by using 2006-2011, 2007-2012, 2008-2013, 2009-2014, 2010-2015
Label based on Sortino ratio
In summary, gradient boosting gives us the best performance (highest precision of label 1 in average)
Do a brute-force method to randomly pick 15 stocks from the stock sets and implement mean-variance portfolio with no short constraint
Delelte the portfolio with the worst CVAR