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282 lines (212 loc) · 10.9 KB

File metadata and controls

282 lines (212 loc) · 10.9 KB

Old-school Vim/Neovim Configuration.


  • 🏫Old-school configuration in vimscripts.
  • 🔌Functions are well arranged into different modules, which can be customized in custom_modules.vim.
  • 🤖Good compatibility to different platform (Windows, Linux) of different architectures (x86, x64, aarch64) with different vim/neovim versions.
  • 🌟Stay in original vim keybindings and operations, but add some meaningful keybindings.
  • ⚡Fast startup time using dein.vim to lazy load all of the plugins.
  • 🆙 Daily update support.
  • mirror pluins repository source support.

Screen Shots📺

Ubuntu 20.04 (x86_64) + Vim 8.1 + Xfce4-terminal


Win10 + Vim 9 + git bash


Vim/Neovim Version 🎯

The vim/nvim version will be checked automatically when using different modules.

  • Vim 8 or higher, at least 7.4.
  • Neovim 0.4.2 or higher.

Installation ⬇

Before Installation

  • 🆘 Using Anaconda3 instead of the system default python may cause problems with python path and pynvim installation. Under this situation, tweaking manually may be needed.

Installation Steps

  1. Optional dependences:

    NOTE: Take a reference or just use the to install the dependencies...

    • has('python3') (if using the advanced plugins.).
    • rg, ag for finders (fzf, leaderf, clap and ctrlp).
    • some language servers for coc.nvim, vim-lsc, vim-lsp.
    • nodejs for coc.nvim.
  2. Clone the repo to the path:

    • For Windows:
      • Neovim configuration path: ~/Appdata/Local/nvim
      • Vim configuration path(For Git Bash): ~/.vim
      • Gvim configuration path: ~/vimfiles
    • For Linux:
      • Neovim configuration path: ~/.config/nvim
      • Vim configuration path: ~/.vim
  3. Choose your modules with the global variables defined in custom_modules.vim

    • This custom_modules.vim is generated automatically after installation.
  4. Open vim/nvim and wait for the dein to install all the plugins.

    • :call dein#recache_runtime_path() to refresh the runtime path.
    • :UpdateRemotePlugins may also needed for nvim.
  5. Restart vim/nvim

Quick Start🚀

⌨ Use the custom_modules.vim in the configuration path to manage the functional modules in OSV.

  • g:osv_warning

    print the warning message when OSV starts.

    • type: int
    • possible values: 0 and 1
  • g:osv_plug_general

    use some general editor enhancement plugins, zero dependencies, and pure vimscripts.

    • type: int
    • possible values: 0 and 1
  • g:osv_plug_advanced

    file type based plugins, may also needs some dependences.

    • type: int
    • possible values: 0 and 1
  • g:osv_finder

    choose one of fidners to find files, buffers, and more.

    • type: string
    • possible values: coc-lists, fzf, leaderf, clap and ctrlp.
    • note:
      • coc-lists needs the coc as the complete engine.
      • need ag and rg for searching.
      • set to none to disable.
  • g:osv_file_explorer

    choose one of the file explorers to arrange files

    • type: string
    • possible values: coc-explorer, fern, defx and vimfiler.
    • note:
      • coc-explorer needs the coc as the completion engine.
      • set to none to disable.
  • g:osv_complete_engine

    choose one of the complete framework to provide automatic completion.

    • type: string
    • possible values: coc, deoplete, asyncomplete, and mucomplete
    • note:
      • set to none to disable.
  • g:osv_linter

    choose one backend of the linter

    • type: string
    • possible values: ale
    • note:
      • set to none to disable.
  • g:osv_lsp

    choose one backend of the lsp

    • type: string
    • possible values: vim-lsp, lcn, and vim-lsc
    • note:
      • set to none to disable.
  • g:osv_ai

    choose one backend of the ai engine

    • type: string
    • possible values: codium and copilot
    • note:
      • set to none to disable.

Keymap 🗺


Invoke the finders

<leader>f+<keys>: toggle finder with:

keys functions
b find buffers
d find diagnostic
f find files
j find jumplist
l find lines (current or the active buffers)
m find frequency (mru)
n find notice (messages)
o find old files (file history)
p find projects
r find register
s find sessions
t find templates
u find undo
w find word
W find previous word
y find yank
q find location list
Q find quickfix list
c find change
a list all of the providers, pickers
k find function entrance
p resume previous providers, pickers

In the finder buffer

Insert mode
keys functions
<C-j> next item
<C-k> previous item
<CR> confirm
Normal mode


File Explorer📁

Invoke file explorer

<leader>t: toggle file explorer

In the file explorer buffer

keys functions
j, k up and down
h, l left and right, but collapse or expand the tree node
mt toggle mark (select) multiple items
mn next mark item
mp prev mark item
ma toggle mark (select) all
mc clear mark (select) all
mv mark (select) items move
J, K toggle mark (select) multiple items with move
H, L collapse all (recursively), expand all (recursively)
q quit
<CR> open file or cd to the direcory
<BS> cd to the parent directory
<TAB> action
e split and open
o toggle open tree
v vsplit and open
t new tab and open
if show info of the item
ip preview
yP copy abs file path (different details)
yp copy relative file path
yy copy file(s)
ye copy file name without extension
yd copy directory name
yn copy file name
dd cut file(s)
p(p) paste file(s)
p(o) paste file(s) over write
df delete/trash file(s)
dF delete/trash file(s), force or forever
a add file(s), maybe path with "/"
A add directory(s)
rn rename only name (or the normal one)
rN rename with extension
rp rename with abs path
fs start filter
fc clear filter
sc change sort
sr reverse sort
st sort by time
sn sort by filename
ss sort by size
se sort by extension
<C-r> redraw/refresh
<C-h> toggle hidden items
<C-i> toggle gitignore items
. toggle dot items
xv execute vim cmd
xs system execute
? help
cp clipboard print (show)
cc clipboard clear
b book mark operation
/ search
gg first item (in all or in the sibling)
G last item (in all or in the sibling)
gp git prev
gp git prev
gn git next
gr git reload
gs git stage
gS git unstage
[d diagnostic prev
]d diagnostic next
zr jump root
zp jump parent
zh jump home
z jump move
wl disk / drive list

Last Modified : 一 04 3月 2024 10:42:44 上午