A country look up module for js apps neededing to normalize or use a standard base to get, ISO codes, currency info, capitals and more to follow.
Why use a module over a lookup service? As these are effectively JSON data sets, the return is fast and with out network latency of look up services external to the project.
The previous dependency of lodash has been removed as of V 0.1.11
Includes a full set of data combined from multiple sources and it useable at present.
Install via NPM
npm install rural --save
import the module, for example:
import Rural from 'rural'
To use it:
or Rural('usa')
or Rural('US')
=> Returns a full object of the countries details.
"ISO2": "US",
"ISO3": "USA",
"name": "United States of America",
"captialCity": "Washington",
"dialingCode": "1",
"currency": "USD",
"currencyPosition": "pre",
"currencyMeta": true,
"currencySymbol": "$",
"currencyName": "US Dollar",
"currencyNamePlural": "US dollars",
"currecnyDecimalDigits": 2,
"currencyRounding": 0
Often you need something simpler, the additional functions may suit you needs better!
import Rural, {ruralIso, ruralName} from 'rural'
or just what you need import {ruralName} from 'rural'
Refers to an ISO2 or ISO3 country code
or 'USA'
If this is left null:
will return the entire rural data set.
Options is placed in for further extesnion.
Passing a bool true
will log the returned data should you require this.
returns an object of country data.
"ISO2": "US",
"ISO3": "USA",
"name": "United States of America",
"captialCity": "Washington",
"dialingCode": "1",
"currency": "USD",
"currencyPosition": "pre",
"currencyMeta": true,
"currencySymbol": "$",
"currencyName": "US Dollar",
"currencyNamePlural": "US dollars",
"currecnyDecimalDigits": 2,
"currencyRounding": 0
Sometimes you may like to do the return once and iterate how you want from the full set.
=> calling the default function with no params will return the complete data object.
This can be useful to remove overhead to only your app code, for instance having all countries available to pivot data as you see fit.
Using lodash map function in a JSX to return all the countries info:
{map(Rural('USa'), (item,key)=>{
return <li>{key} : {item} </li>
Note the sanetization for sentence case or other nasties, in data inconsistencies.
Using what you need specifically.
In this use case the ruralName
submodule would be a better use case ( need to be imported), but uses a smaller more succint data set so is more performant.
These will run faster with ISO2 country codes as no loop and iterate will be needed, which is faster accross the board. These use optimized for purpose datasets so when paired with an ISO2 code will give the best performance.
Function returns the alternate ISO country code to what you pass it. Useful if your data set is in one either of the Alpha formats and you want to switch it to the other one.
=> Returns
Vice Versa
=> Returns
Note this will catch case and miss matches in case,
'US' = 'us' = 'Us' = 'uS'
Function returns the country name from an ISO Aplha 2 or 3 code. Useful if you just want to work with ISO codes and return a full company name.
or ruralName('usa')
=> Returns
United States of America
Note this will catch case and miss matches in case,
'US' = 'us' = 'Us' = 'uS'
Takes in a currency code such as CAD or GBP or USD and returns an object of relevant currency information:
the function: ruralCurrency('gbp')
will fix the code eg gbp
=== GBP
=== GbP
all are taken to uppercase
will return :
{ currency: 'GBP',
currencyPosition: 'pre',
currencyMeta: true,
currencySymbol: '£',
currencyName: 'British Pound Sterling',
currencyNamePlural: 'British pounds sterling',
currecnyDecimalDigits: 2,
currencyRounding: 0 }
Especially useful for eccomerce builds, if any information is incorrect please raise an issue or PR a fix into the base data set on github.
## Testing
Initial testing has been added, these can be run with `npm run test`