📚 Name: Lau Long Ching
🗂️ SID: 1155127347
Please visit or https://secure.s31.ierg4210.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/ to mark my assignment, thank you!
- IPN Listener & Verifier: /listener.php
- Checkout Page: /checkout.php OR navigate with button in shopping cart
- Recent 5 Orders for Members: /recentorders.php OR navigate with top bar
As explained in the email, the flow is a bit different from the marking scheme. Once the Paypal checkout button is clicked in the separate checkout page, the digest of transaction info with the salt and hashed digest is uploaded to orders. After a successful payment, the IPN listener verifies the details and upload the transaction record to record. Only entries in record are considered legitimate orders.
Please use the following Paypal Sandbox Accounts:
Buesiness Account:
ID: [email protected]
PW: 98'!70Ss
User Account:
ID: [email protected]