This image was created with the objective of supporting the analysis of network problems in different environments, below is a list of tools that are contemplated in this image.
- Bind-tools
- cURL
- iptraf-ng
- iperf3
- iotop
- iftop
- nload
- mtr
- jq
- netcat-openbsd
- net-tools
- openssh-client
- python3
- sysstat
- tcpdump
- tshark
- strace
- inetutils-telnet
- nmap
- fio
- nfs-utils
- aws-cli
- aws-cli-bash-completion
- openssh
- sshpass
- lftp
- vim
- oc-cli
- kubectl
podman pull
podman run -it --rm \
--name ocp-tools \
--net=host \
--pid=host \
--ipc=host \
--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \