autoTVM神经网络推理代码优化搜索演示,基于tvm编译开源模型centerface,并使用autoTVM搜索最优推理代码, 最终部署编译为c++代码,演示平台是cuda,可以是其他平台,例如树莓派,安卓手机,苹果手机
- 知乎介绍文章位置:
Thi is a demonstration of how to use autoTVM to search and optimize a neural network inference code. the main process of this program is , firstly use tvm to compile opensource model centerface , then use autotvm to auto search the best inference code for the compiled model, finaly the model to compile and deploy to c++ inference code , the demonstration platform is cuda framework , alternatively other platform is acceptable , ie rasspery , android and apple
- add variables "PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.1/bin" in order to use nvcc
- python
- use function "case_eval_from_autotvmlog()" in to generate the inference dynamic library which is searched by the autoTVM
- python to verify the result
- convert to the c++ api , see cpp_deploy project