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Added exact file name filter
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lesterrry authored Mar 10, 2021
1 parent 881d734 commit f0b8117
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 50 deletions.
126 changes: 76 additions & 50 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use crypto::buffer::{ ReadBuffer, WriteBuffer, BufferResult };
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")] //I don't want any progress bars on Windows
use progress_bar::progress_bar::ProgressBar;

const HELPINFO: &str = "Helps you keep your data secure, private and hidden.\nEncrypts files via the AES symmetric cipher.\nSecured with two passwords.\n\nCommands:\nen – encrypt current directory\nen f <file> – encrypt exact file\nen <arguments> – encrypt with smart filters\nde – decrypt current directory\nde f <file> – decrypt exact file\nde <arguments> – decrypt with smart filters\n Arguments of commands de/en:\n all/only – reset filter queue\n none – filter all files\n sizes – apply to all sizes of files\n -sizes – filter all sizes of files\n types – apply to all file types\n -types – filter all file types\n s – apply to small files\n -s – filter small files\n m – apply to medium sized files\n -m – filter all medium sized files\n l – apply to large files\n -l – filter large files\n p – apply to pictures\n -p – filter pictures\n v – apply to videos\n -v – filter videos\n a – apply to audio files\n -a – filter audio files\n t – apply to text files\n -t – filter text files\n N, where N is an index of file in selected folder – apply to N file in selected directory\n X..Y, where N is an index of file in selected directory – apply to all files from X to Y (including) in selected directory\nrevoke – delete saved password data\nhelp – display this help\ncd – change directory to default\ncd <dir> – change directory to the one specified\nld – list current directory\nst – display propeerties of current directory\n\nNote about smart filters: one should build queue from the least important filter, to the most. The last filter will always apply the last.\nFor example, queue 'only m l p -l' will at first reset filter (only), thus passing every file, then selecting medium sized files (m), large files (l) and pictures (p), and deselecting large files at the end (-l). '-l' filter stays after the 'l', thus disabling it.\nAnother example: queue 'p a v sizes -b all' makes no sense, as 'all' filter as the end will disable all previous, and every file will be passed.\nSo, if we remove it, the queue will look like this: 'p a v sizes -b', selecting all pictures (p), audios (a) and videos (v), and all sizes of files except big ones (sizes -b). We can make it even better, by passing 'types -t sizes -b', selecting all file types except text ones, and all sizes except big ones.";
const HELPINFO: &str = "Helps you keep your data secure, private and hidden.\nEncrypts files via the AES symmetric cipher.\nSecured with two passwords.\n\nCommands:\nenfile <file> – encrypt exact file\nen <arguments> – encrypt current dir with arguments\ndefile <file> – decrypt exact file\nde <arguments> – decrypt current dir with arguments\n Arguments of commands de/en:\n all – reset filter queue\n none/only – filter all files\n sizes – apply to all sizes of files\n -sizes – filter all sizes of files\n types – apply to all file types\n -types – filter all file types\n s – apply to small files\n -s – filter small files\n m – apply to medium sized files\n -m – filter all medium sized files\n l – apply to large files\n -l – filter large files\n p – apply to pictures\n -p – filter pictures\n v – apply to videos\n -v – filter videos\n a – apply to audio files\n -a – filter audio files\n t – apply to text files\n -t – filter text files\n N, where N is an index of file in selected folder – apply to N file in selected directory\n X..Y, where N is an index of file in selected directory – apply to all files from X to Y (including) in selected directory\n \'NAME\', where NAME is a file name (w/o extension)\nrevoke – delete saved password data\nhelp – display this help\ncd – change directory to default\ncd <dir> – change directory to the one specified\nld – list current directory\nst – display propeerties of current directory\n\nNote about smart filters: file names and intervals have the biggest privelege";

//Constants, conditionally compiled for differrent OS
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,24 +98,26 @@ enum DirectoryConditionLabel{
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct DirectoryEnDeOptions{
intervals: Option<Vec<usize>>,
filenames: Option<Vec<String>>,
small: bool,
medium: bool,
large: bool,
pics: bool,
videos: bool,
audios: bool,
texts: bool
texts: bool,
folders: bool

impl DirectoryEnDeOptions {
fn default() -> DirectoryEnDeOptions{
DirectoryEnDeOptions{intervals: None, small: true, medium: true, large: true, pics: true, videos: true, audios: true, texts: true}
DirectoryEnDeOptions{intervals: None, filenames: None, small: true, medium: true, large: true, pics: true, videos: true, audios: true, texts: true, folders: true}
fn non_closing() -> DirectoryEnDeOptions{
DirectoryEnDeOptions{intervals: None, small: false, medium: false, large: false, pics: false, videos: false, audios: false, texts: false}
DirectoryEnDeOptions{intervals: None, filenames: None, small: false, medium: false, large: false, pics: false, videos: false, audios: false, texts: false, folders: false}
fn is_non_closing(self) -> bool{
self.intervals == None && self.small == false && self.medium == false && self.large == false && == false && self.videos == false && self.audios == false && self.texts == false
self.intervals == None && self.filenames == None && self.small == false && self.medium == false && self.large == false && == false && self.videos == false && self.audios == false && self.texts == false

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,9 +217,10 @@ fn main() {
let user = ENV_USER;
loop {
match &(readline_editor.readline(&format!("{}{}@Hide /{} > {}", MAG, user, if !cfg!(windows){&lifecycle.dir.split("/").collect::<Vec<&str>>().last().unwrap_or(&"~")} else {""}, RES)).expect("Stdin error")) as &str{
"kill" | "exit" => exit(lifecycle),
"ld" | "ls" => {
let command = &(readline_editor.readline(&format!("{}{}@Hide /{} > {}", MAG, user, if !cfg!(windows){&lifecycle.dir.split("/").collect::<Vec<&str>>().last().unwrap_or(&"~")} else {""}, RES)).expect("Stdin error")) as &str;
match command.split(" ").collect::<Vec<&str>>().first().unwrap_or(&"") {
&"kill" | &"exit" => exit(lifecycle),
&"ld" | &"ls" => {
println!("{}:", &lifecycle.dir);
let mut dirst = DirectoryCondition{path: String::from(&lifecycle.dir), total: 0, encrypted: 0, decrypted: 0, other: 0, condition: DirectoryConditionLabel::Other};
match walk_through_dir(false, &lifecycle.dir, &mut|i: usize, path: &fs::DirEntry| {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,7 +257,7 @@ fn main() {
"cd" => { lifecycle.dir = lifecycle.default_dir.clone(); println!("{}Directory set to default{}", GRN, RES) },
&"cd" => { lifecycle.dir = lifecycle.default_dir.clone(); println!("{}Directory set to default{}", GRN, RES) },
cd if cd.contains("cd") => {
let dir = cd.replace("cd ","");
match fs::read_dir(&dir){
Expand All @@ -265,49 +268,43 @@ fn main() {
Err(error) => println!("{}Unreachable dir: {}{}", RED, error, RES)
"st" => {
&"st" => {
match analyze_dir(&lifecycle.dir) {
Ok(result) => println!("{}", result.to_str()),
Err(_) => (),
"en" => {
encrypt_dir(&lifecycle.dir, None)
&"en" => {
let args = command.replacen("en", "", 1);
encrypt_dir(&lifecycle.dir, Some(get_options(&args)))
en if en.contains("en f") => {
let arg = en.replace("en f","").replace(" ", "");
&"enfile" => {
let arg = command.replacen("enfile", "", 1).replace(" ", "");
en if en.contains("en") => {
let args = en.replace("en","");
encrypt_dir(&lifecycle.dir, Some(get_options(&args)))
"de" => {
decrypt_dir(&lifecycle.dir, None)
&"de" => {
let args = command.replacen("de", "", 1);
decrypt_dir(&lifecycle.dir, Some(get_options(&args)))
de if de.contains("de f") => {
let arg = de.replace("de f","").replace(" ", "");
&"defile" => {
let arg = command.replacen("defile", "", 1).replace(" ", "");
de if de.contains("de") => {
let args = de.replace("de","");
decrypt_dir(&lifecycle.dir, Some(get_options(&args)))
"revoke" => {
&"revoke" => {
println!("{}All settings and password data will be lost. This action can't be undone.{}", ORG, RES);
if readline_editor.readline("Type 'delete data' to proceed: > ").expect("Stdin error") == "delete data"{
fs::remove_file(configfile).expect("Couldn't delete");
println!("{}Configuration deleted{}", GRN, RES);
"help" => {
println!("Hide v{}, created by Lesterrry in 2020.\n{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), HELPINFO);
&"help" => {
println!("Hide v{}, created by Lesterrry in 2020-2021.\n{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), HELPINFO);
_ => println!("Unknown command")
a @ _ => println!("Unknown command: {}", a)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,9 +344,33 @@ fn get_options(args: &str) -> DirectoryEnDeOptions {
let mut a = DirectoryEnDeOptions::non_closing();
let b = args.split(" ");
let mut int: Vec<usize> = vec!();
let mut names: Vec<String> = vec!();
let mut name: String = String::from("");
let mut intneed = false;
let mut namesneed = false;
let mut names_fill = false;
for i in b {
if i == "all" {
if i.contains("'"){
namesneed = true;
if names_fill {
name = String::new() + &name + " " + &i.replace("'", "");
names_fill = false
} else {
name = String::new() + &i.replace("'", "");
if i.chars().last().unwrap() == '\''{
names_fill = false
else {
names_fill = true
else if names_fill {
name = String::new() + &name + " " + i
else if i == "all" {
a = DirectoryEnDeOptions::default();
else if i == "none" || i == "only" {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -437,16 +458,20 @@ fn get_options(args: &str) -> DirectoryEnDeOptions {
} else {
println!("{}Wrong interval syntax{}", BLD, RES);
else if i != "" {
} else if i != "" {
println!("{}{:?} is an unknown argument{}", BLD, i, RES);
if intneed{
a.intervals = Some(int)
if namesneed{
a.filenames = Some(names)
if a.clone().is_non_closing() { println!("{}Provided pattern is excluding. Consider using 'help' command.{}", ORG, RES ); }
//println!("{:?}", a);
return a
//return DirectoryEnDeOptions::non_closing()

//Function of checking whether str is a num
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,7 +507,7 @@ fn decrypt_dir(dir: &str, options: Option<DirectoryEnDeOptions>){
Err(_) => println!("{}Empty/unreachable dir{}", RED, RES),
Ok(result) => println!("\nOperation totals: {} decrypted, {} skipped, {} errors. Finished in {}s", result.ok, result.skip,, SystemTime::now().duration_since(start).unwrap().as_secs())
Ok(result) => println!("\nOperation totals: {} decrypted, {} skipped, {} errors, {} total. Finished in {}s", result.ok, result.skip,,, SystemTime::now().duration_since(start).unwrap().as_secs())
//Functions of data handling
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -597,7 +622,7 @@ fn walk_through_dir(progress_bar: bool, dir: &str, foreach: &mut dyn FnMut(usize
let mut oks = 0;
let mut skips = 0;
let mut fails = 0;
for (i, path) in map.iter().enumerate() {
for (i, path) in map.iter().enumerate() {
match foreach(i, path){
OperationStepResult::Ok => oks += 1,
OperationStepResult::Skip => skips += 1,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -780,21 +805,22 @@ fn encrypt(path: &fs::DirEntry, index: usize, options: Option<DirectoryEnDeOptio

//Function of deciding whether to skip a file
fn need_to_skip(options: DirectoryEnDeOptions, name: Option<&str>, len: u64, index: usize) -> bool {
if name.is_some() && options.filenames.is_some() && options.filenames.unwrap().contains(&name.unwrap().split(".").collect::<Vec<&str>>().first().unwrap().to_string()){ return false }
let ext = if name.is_some() { extension(&name.unwrap()).unwrap_or(String::from("")).to_owned() } else { "".to_string() };
(!options.small && len < 3000000) ||
(!options.medium && len < 10000000 && len >= 3000000) ||
(!options.large && len >= 10000000) ||
(name.is_some() &&
(! && PIC_FORMATS.contains(&ext.as_str())) ||
(!options.videos && VID_FORMATS.contains(&ext.as_str())) ||
(!options.audios && AUD_FORMATS.contains(&ext.as_str())) ||
(!options.texts && TXT_FORMATS.contains(&ext.as_str()))
) ||
(options.intervals.is_some() && !options.intervals.clone().unwrap().contains(&index))
(!options.small && len < 3000000) ||
(!options.medium && len < 10000000 && len >= 3000000) ||
(!options.large && len >= 10000000) ||
(name.is_some() &&
(! && PIC_FORMATS.contains(&ext.as_str())) ||
(!options.videos && VID_FORMATS.contains(&ext.as_str())) ||
(!options.audios && AUD_FORMATS.contains(&ext.as_str())) ||
(!options.texts && TXT_FORMATS.contains(&ext.as_str()))
) ||
(options.intervals.is_some() && !options.intervals.clone().unwrap().contains(&index))
} else {
Expand Down

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