All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
createMilestone | POST /contracts/{contract_id}/milestones | Create a Milestone |
createMilestoneReview | POST /contracts/{contract_id}/milestones/{milestone_id}/reviews | Review a single milestone |
createMilestoneReviews | POST /contracts/{contract_id}/milestones/many/reviews | Review multiple milestones |
deleteMilestoneById | DELETE /contracts/{contract_id}/milestones/{milestone_id} | Delete a Milestone |
getMilestonesByContract | GET /contracts/{contract_id}/milestones | Retrieve Milestones by Contract |
getMilestonesByContractAndId | GET /contracts/{contract_id}/milestones/{milestone_id} | Retrieve a single milestone |
CreateMilestone201Response createMilestone(contractId, createMilestoneRequest).execute();
Create a Milestone
Add a new milestone to a specific contract. Milestones represent distinct deliverables or phases in the contract and can include additional details such as attachments. Token scopes: `milestones:write`
// Import classes:
import org.openapitools.client.ApiClient;
import org.openapitools.client.ApiException;
import org.openapitools.client.Configuration;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.models.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.MilestonesApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: deelToken
HttpBearerAuth deelToken = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("deelToken");
deelToken.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
OAuth oauth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("oauth2");
oauth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
MilestonesApi apiInstance = new MilestonesApi(defaultClient);
String contractId = "37nex2x"; // String | The unique identifier of the Deel contract where the milestone will be added.
CreateMilestoneRequest createMilestoneRequest = new CreateMilestoneRequest(); // CreateMilestoneRequest | The milestone object containing the required details to be added to the contract.
try {
CreateMilestone201Response result = apiInstance.createMilestone(contractId, createMilestoneRequest)
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling MilestonesApi#createMilestone");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
contractId | String | The unique identifier of the Deel contract where the milestone will be added. | |
createMilestoneRequest | CreateMilestoneRequest | The milestone object containing the required details to be added to the contract. |
- Content-Type: application/json, multipart/form-data
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
201 | Milestone created successfully. | - |
400 | Invalid request. The input data did not meet the required validation rules. | - |
401 | Operation failed. | - |
403 | Operation failed. | - |
404 | The specified contract ID does not exist. | - |
405 | Operation failed. | - |
429 | Operation failed. | - |
500 | Operation failed. | - |
GenericResultCreated createMilestoneReview(contractId, milestoneId).milestoneReviewToCreateContainer(milestoneReviewToCreateContainer).execute();
Review a single milestone
Review a milestone to approve or decline submitted work.
// Import classes:
import org.openapitools.client.ApiClient;
import org.openapitools.client.ApiException;
import org.openapitools.client.Configuration;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.models.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.MilestonesApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: deelToken
HttpBearerAuth deelToken = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("deelToken");
deelToken.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
OAuth oauth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("oauth2");
oauth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
MilestonesApi apiInstance = new MilestonesApi(defaultClient);
String contractId = "37nex2x"; // String | Deel contract id.
String milestoneId = "milestoneId_example"; // String | ID of milestone to return
MilestoneReviewToCreateContainer milestoneReviewToCreateContainer = new MilestoneReviewToCreateContainer(); // MilestoneReviewToCreateContainer | Milestone review object that need to be created
try {
GenericResultCreated result = apiInstance.createMilestoneReview(contractId, milestoneId)
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling MilestonesApi#createMilestoneReview");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
contractId | String | Deel contract id. | |
milestoneId | String | ID of milestone to return | |
milestoneReviewToCreateContainer | MilestoneReviewToCreateContainer | Milestone review object that need to be created | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
201 | Successful operation. | - |
400 | Operation failed. | - |
401 | Operation failed. | - |
403 | Operation failed. | - |
404 | Operation failed. | - |
405 | Operation failed. | - |
429 | Operation failed. | - |
500 | Operation failed. | - |
GenericResultCreated createMilestoneReviews(contractId).milestoneReviewsToCreateContainer(milestoneReviewsToCreateContainer).execute();
Review multiple milestones
Review a batch of milestones to approve or reject submitted work.
// Import classes:
import org.openapitools.client.ApiClient;
import org.openapitools.client.ApiException;
import org.openapitools.client.Configuration;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.models.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.MilestonesApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: deelToken
HttpBearerAuth deelToken = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("deelToken");
deelToken.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
OAuth oauth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("oauth2");
oauth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
MilestonesApi apiInstance = new MilestonesApi(defaultClient);
String contractId = "37nex2x"; // String | Deel contract id.
MilestoneReviewsToCreateContainer milestoneReviewsToCreateContainer = new MilestoneReviewsToCreateContainer(); // MilestoneReviewsToCreateContainer | Milestone review objects that need to be created
try {
GenericResultCreated result = apiInstance.createMilestoneReviews(contractId)
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling MilestonesApi#createMilestoneReviews");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
contractId | String | Deel contract id. | |
milestoneReviewsToCreateContainer | MilestoneReviewsToCreateContainer | Milestone review objects that need to be created | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
201 | Successful operation. | - |
400 | Operation failed. | - |
401 | Operation failed. | - |
403 | Operation failed. | - |
404 | Operation failed. | - |
405 | Operation failed. | - |
429 | Operation failed. | - |
500 | Operation failed. | - |
DeleteMilestoneById200Response deleteMilestoneById(contractId, milestoneId).execute();
Delete a Milestone
Delete a specific milestone associated with a contract. This operation removes the milestone and its data permanently from the system. Token scopes: `milestones:write`
// Import classes:
import org.openapitools.client.ApiClient;
import org.openapitools.client.ApiException;
import org.openapitools.client.Configuration;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.models.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.MilestonesApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: deelToken
HttpBearerAuth deelToken = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("deelToken");
deelToken.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
OAuth oauth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("oauth2");
oauth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
MilestonesApi apiInstance = new MilestonesApi(defaultClient);
String contractId = "37nex2x"; // String | The unique identifier of the Deel contract from which the milestone will be deleted.
String milestoneId = "milestoneId_example"; // String | The unique identifier of the milestone that is to be deleted.
try {
DeleteMilestoneById200Response result = apiInstance.deleteMilestoneById(contractId, milestoneId)
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling MilestonesApi#deleteMilestoneById");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
contractId | String | The unique identifier of the Deel contract from which the milestone will be deleted. | |
milestoneId | String | The unique identifier of the milestone that is to be deleted. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Milestone successfully deleted. | - |
400 | Invalid request. The provided contract or milestone ID is invalid. | - |
401 | Operation failed. | - |
403 | Operation failed. | - |
404 | Contract or milestone not found. | - |
405 | Operation failed. | - |
429 | Operation failed. | - |
500 | Server error. Something went wrong while processing the request. | - |
GetMilestonesByContract200Response getMilestonesByContract(contractId).execute();
Retrieve Milestones by Contract
Retrieve a list of milestones associated with a specific contract. Each milestone includes details such as its title, amount, status, and relevant dates, along with information about the creator and reviewer. Token scopes: `milestones:read`
// Import classes:
import org.openapitools.client.ApiClient;
import org.openapitools.client.ApiException;
import org.openapitools.client.Configuration;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.models.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.MilestonesApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: deelToken
HttpBearerAuth deelToken = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("deelToken");
deelToken.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
OAuth oauth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("oauth2");
oauth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
MilestonesApi apiInstance = new MilestonesApi(defaultClient);
String contractId = "37nex2x"; // String | The unique identifier of the Deel contract for which milestones are being retrieved.
try {
GetMilestonesByContract200Response result = apiInstance.getMilestonesByContract(contractId)
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling MilestonesApi#getMilestonesByContract");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
contractId | String | The unique identifier of the Deel contract for which milestones are being retrieved. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | A list of milestones for the specified contract. | - |
400 | Operation failed. | - |
401 | Operation failed. | - |
403 | Operation failed. | - |
404 | Operation failed. | - |
405 | Operation failed. | - |
429 | Operation failed. | - |
500 | Operation failed. | - |
GetMilestonesByContractAndId200Response getMilestonesByContractAndId(contractId, milestoneId).execute();
Retrieve a single milestone
Retrieve a single milestone. Token scopes: `milestones:read`
// Import classes:
import org.openapitools.client.ApiClient;
import org.openapitools.client.ApiException;
import org.openapitools.client.Configuration;
import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
import org.openapitools.client.models.*;
import org.openapitools.client.api.MilestonesApi;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP bearer authorization: deelToken
HttpBearerAuth deelToken = (HttpBearerAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("deelToken");
deelToken.setBearerToken("BEARER TOKEN");
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
OAuth oauth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("oauth2");
oauth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
MilestonesApi apiInstance = new MilestonesApi(defaultClient);
String contractId = "37nex2x"; // String | Deel contract id.
String milestoneId = "milestoneId_example"; // String | ID of milestone to return
try {
GetMilestonesByContractAndId200Response result = apiInstance.getMilestonesByContractAndId(contractId, milestoneId)
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling MilestonesApi#getMilestonesByContractAndId");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
contractId | String | Deel contract id. | |
milestoneId | String | ID of milestone to return |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
Status code | Description | Response headers |
200 | Successful operation. | - |
400 | Operation failed. | - |
401 | Operation failed. | - |
403 | Operation failed. | - |
404 | Operation failed. | - |
405 | Operation failed. | - |
429 | Operation failed. | - |
500 | Operation failed. | - |