Releases: letsrokk/zephyr-scale-hooks
Releases · letsrokk/zephyr-scale-hooks
Improved debugging logging
Updated log4j2 dependency to latest version
1.3.1 Merge pull request #1 from letsrokk/dependabot/maven/log4j2.version-2…
Re-worked Test Cycle management
Re-use already created Test Cycles (match by project key and name) for better reporting and Test Plans support
Fixed deployments to Bintray
1.2.3 Adjusted naming and deployment for new project structure
New project structure
1.2.2 Adjusted naming and deployment for new project structure
Fixed RETRY support in TestNG 6.x
1.2.1 Fixed RETRY support in TestNG 6.x
Fixed SKIP and RETRY handling
Fixed SKIP status handling Fixed RETRY cases
Fixed issue with parallel DataProvider executions
1.1.0 added syncronization for execution containers creation / update
Initial release
1.0.0 added lastest version badge to