Releases: lhaig/terraform-multicloud-dns
Update To outputs
Additional outputs for Azure
What's Changed
- Add Azure name output in addition to ID by @flavorplus in #7
New Contributors
- @flavorplus made their first contribution in #7
Full Changelog: 0.4.0...0.4.1
Update module for use in the public registry
The module has now been updated to be used in the public terraform registry
Improve outputs and usage as a module.
This release makes two changes one of them will be breaking to current users:
simplifies output values by removing extra list element around each output
outputs for nameserver values now returned as single-level lists
non-list outputs now returned as strings
simplifies retrieval of values from other workspaces via terraform_remote_state
replaces provider declarations with required_providers block
follows recommended to keep explicit provider configurations only in the root module
allows module consumers to upgrade to newer provider versions without altering the module
eliminates need to pass aws_region and gcp_region as module inputs and declare as variables
Bug fix Release
This release fixes a bug in the tags for GCP.
You can’t add an email address as a tag value
Version 0.2.1
Updated the AWS and Azure code to create tags that can be used to exclude the zones from deletion by a cleanup robot
Release to update to 0.12
Update the code to remove 0.11 deprecation warnings.
Initial Release
Initial Release of the module