Its an implementation of bootstrap slider in angularJS- such that it reflects 2 way bindings. Has variable steps between certain defined milestones. All of which could be configured on changing the parameters of the index.html page.
<div bootstrap-slider="true" ng-model="index" min="0" max="15000" milestones="5000,10000" steps="100,500,1000" defaultval="0,400">
- min = Minimum value of the Range Slider
- max = Maximum value of the Range Slider
- milestones = The break points at which the step changes.
- steps = The step values that would be used to increment the value of the Range Slider , between specific milestones.
- defaultval = The default value at which the Range Slider would be initialized.
- Slider will be used to select a range between two numbers A & B.
- There will be custom number of milestones between A & B. ( lets say x, y ) [ Configurable ]
- Milestones divides the range into sections i.e A-x, x-y & y-B
- Each section will have its different number of steps (Configurable) which decides its step size.
- Therefore, the slider will step differently between steps in different sections.
- Apart from the slider controls the slider can also be controlled via text boxes.
- If value in the text box is changed then it updates the slider controls & vice versa.
- If the value entered can-not be mapped to a step in the slider then round it off to lower step in case of the left control and to the higher step in case of the right control.
- Mix & Max of the slider ( A & B ) are configurable via arguments to the directive.
- Milestones which divide the slider into section is also configurable via arguments to directive.
<div slider min=0 max=15000 milestones=”1000,5000,10000” steps=”50,100,500”></div>
Therefore, 0 to 1000 will have steps of 50 1000 to 5000 will have steps of 100 10000 to 15000 will have steps of 500
##Demo Hosted on plnkr.co : demo
##Template for the kick start :
Used http://jsfiddle.net/vkarpov15/zn5AM/ as my starting point.