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Deploy on heroku

Alen Thomas edited this page Sep 2, 2016 · 1 revision

Deployment instructions from *nix systems

  1. Download and install heroku command line tools ⬇️
  2. Check heroku is correctly install by doing heroku --version
  3. Git clone the [kozhikoden app] (
  4. Do a cd kozhikoden
  5. Login with your heroku credentials by heroku login 🔓
  6. To initialize the app in your heroku account do heroku create 👉 this will create a heroku app with some fancy name eg: falling-wind-1624 💨
  7. Verify the heroku git remote by doing a git remote -v
  8. Finally deploy the app in heroku with git push heroku master ☁️


If heroku deployment fails with error heroku config:set DEBUG_COLLECTSTATIC=1

  1. heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1 🙇
  2. Try git push heroku master again and it should work 👍

Feel free to comment or open issues if something is not clear. 💁

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