is a python wrapper for the BTCMarkets API. It has no dependencies and works with Python 2/3.
$ pip install btcmarkets
class contains the definitions and parameters for each of the API endpoints
>>> from btcmarkets import BTCMarkets
>>> btcm_api = BTCMarkets()
>>> btcm_api.get_accounts()
[{'currency': 'AUD', 'balance': 100, 'pendingFunds': 0}, ...]
>>> btcm_api.get_trade_history(instrument='BTC', currency='AUD')
{'errorCode': None,
'errorMessage': None,
'success': True,
'trades': [{'creationTime': 1498623229184,
'description': None,
'fee': 69963502,
'id': 123456789,
'orderId': 123456789,
'price': 350000000000,
'side': 'Bid',
'volume': 1000000},
Further documentation and examples can (somewhat) be found on the BTCMarkets API page -
In order to be able to access POST endpoints (trading and accounts), the following environment variables need to be set
API keys can be generated from
By default BTCMarkets
has no dependencies and will use python3s urllib.request
You can replace this with any http library by passing the request function to the constructor eg.
>>> import requests
>>> btcm_api = BTCMarkets(request_func=requests.request)
Each of the BTCMarkets
methods simply generate a dict to pass to a http request library.
For even finer grain control over your execution, setting return_kwargs=True
will return the underlying request dict.
>>> from btcmarkets import BTCMarkets
>>> btcm_api = BTCMarkets(return_kwargs=True)
>>> btcm_api.get_accounts()
{'method': 'GET',
'url': '',
'headers': OrderedDict([
('Accept', 'application/json'),
('Accept-Charset', 'UTF-8'),
('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
('apikey', 'MY_API_KEY'),
('timestamp', '1498699921678'),
('signature', '123456789123456789')
This could be handy if you want to use the new async/await
features of Python with a library like aiohttp
>>> from aiohttp import ClientSession
>>> session = ClientSession()
>>> resp = await session.request(**api.get_accounts())
>>> data = await resp.json()
>>> data
[{'currency': 'AUD', 'balance': 100, 'pendingFunds': 0}, ...]