The course project for ShanghaiTech CS130 Operating System (based on Staford pintOS). The tasks are divided into 4 Parts and they are individually graded:
- P1 Threads | Timer & Priority Scheduling (with parents & children relationships)
- P2 Usrprog | Syscalls with VM & Filesys (stacking implementation and file r/w/sync operations)
- P3 VM | Frames, Pages, PT & Swap Slots (mappings implementation)
- P4 Filesys | Operations with Synchronization (more complex operations making use of previous implementations)
For Stanford official website, please refer to link.
For our developing documents, please refer to /docs directory.
To run the project, please make sure you set up the environment properly. (You might need Bochs or QEMU simulators, more details could be found in the official Stanford PintOS Website)